02 July 2017 at 20:20


Respected sir/madam

I am a car vendor and i provide service to a company located in mumbai which is a telecom company and it does not hav any office in area of delhi NCR but it provide service in Delhi NCR and i provide cab for those services..... So where do i need to get register

CA Sahil Thakral
02 July 2017 at 19:51

export of service

Export of service mandatory to registeration under gst even turnover below 20 lacs There is a notification on 1 July 26/2017 that exporter can claim ITC by a prescribed application Thanks in Advance

Mahir shaikh
02 July 2017 at 19:41

U/s :8 company

Company with charitable object also register in gst???and collect gst ???patanjali and being human also include in gst????


Sir can you please tell me the GST rate for scientific and technical consultancy services and cess

02 July 2017 at 19:16


when a service provider provided services INTER-STATE then whether he is liable to issue a invoice
with IGST @ 18%

and provided a service within STATE ( intra state) then whether he is liable to issue a invoice
CGST @ 9%
SGST @ 9%

is correct method

Rohit Raghuwanshi
02 July 2017 at 19:10

Transition Provision

Whether a person who is not register in any previous law is liable to file GST TRAN1 & 2 if he is not going to register in GST and what if he is going to register in GST

02 July 2017 at 19:00

Supply of service by advocate

Can any one tell Gst implications on following transaction.
Advocate providing Legal service in indian court, service provided in India ,to customers residence outside India (usa),
And payment received in foreign currency.
Is it exempt under reverse charge method. Or it can be treated as export of service?
Do advocate have to obtain GST number?
Pleas guide.

pranab sarma
02 July 2017 at 18:59

Delivery challan

1. We are a printing press. We print poster, leaflet, brochure, books etc on order basis. Before GST sometimes we transported goods without issuing a invoice but with a delivery challan. Now my question can we keep that practice under GST law also ?
2. When we got a printing order generally we took 50% as advance . Now my 2nd question is does we have to issue "Receipt Voucher" against such advance and if so how can we took tax rate and amount on these 50% advance amount.

Please suggest and thanks ............

vijender pal

Dear Sir,
i have a turnover above 20 lacs and doing books binding and chair repairing please confirm what % of GST is Applicable on both and also please specify the HSN code

Kumar Saroj
02 July 2017 at 18:02

How make gst bill

Please provide gst bill formats