Easy Office
LCI Learning

CA Abhishek Singh
11 March 2009 at 12:28





10 March 2009 at 18:50

Annexure less return of income

Department is insisting on annexure less return of income. But if any person who is not eligible for any deduction u/s 80C and he still claim deduction, how department will come to know that he is not eligible?

CA Suresh Choudhary
09 March 2009 at 18:20


I had applied for TAN through internet and filled the form 49B and also made the payment through credit card.

But could not get the copy of acknowledgment with which other documents to be submitted manually because of internet disconnection in between.

My query is will I have to pay again or I can get the same filled form from any sources.

Please tell me its urgent.

M.R. Chulet
08 March 2009 at 17:06

deductions admissibility---

Say I receive HRA amount of Rs. 1,50,000/- p.m.and with basic of Rs.300,000/-p.m. The rent paid is Rs. 1,25,000/- p.m.

Do maintain a Guest-cum-office room at the residence in Metro. Do I get some admissibility for furnishing this room or maintaining it, from the point of view deductions under the relevant setin applicable for Income Tax payment

03 March 2009 at 10:17

Wrong deductee code on TDS Challan

While paying TDS online, deductee code has been wrongly mentioned as "0020" instead of "0021".

What will be the consequences and solution for this mistake.??

Please..its urgent..

CA. Santosh Jain

What is the procedure of tranfer from a propritorship firm into a new pvt. ltd. ?

What will be consequeance of a assesse of a proprietorship firm after conversion as per income tax ?

02 March 2009 at 00:09


I have taken a personal loan through a private bank during this year and i have invested in the shares & securities through a regular franchise and i have winded up with a loss on it. So could i show the respective loss and i want to claim the occurred loss in this year.
So i want to know the details required for the submission of my tax return
(A.Y.2008 - 09)


In one case the aso refered to vo for valuation of land as on 1981 under sec 50c. actually the property is inherited and pruchased by the ass father in 1968 .
Can the aso send the same to vo for purchase price of the property under this sec50c? the vo has taken comparative sale instances of 1981 but the ass had gone by the basis of municipal jantri as in 1981 which is much higher then tehe comperative sales instances. THIS HAS BROUGHT THE LTC FROM LOSS TO PROFIT AND HUGE DEMAND.

darshana utekar
27 February 2009 at 15:18

Profession tax Liability

one of our client his company incorporated on 9th jan 2008 than how much Profession tax he wants to pay for the F.Y. 2007-08 & F.Y. 2008-09.
as per my knowledge for F.Y. 2008-09 his profession tax liability is Rs. 2500/-
but for F.Y. 2007-08 how to calculate the profession tax liablity? it should be by monthwise break up of Rs. 2500/- because there is only 3 months in F.Y.2007-08 or i want to pay full Rs.2500/-
please understand my querry & reply as early as possible

24 February 2009 at 13:02

Deduction U/s 24

If a person taken Housing loan from a Bank and paid EMI regularly the interst pard is Rs.66544 for the year but he has paid Pre EMI Interst also of Rs. 8,137 , is it pre EMI interest allowable for deduction .same way he had taken another Housing Loan and paid pre EMI interst of Rs 98974 and next year paid Pre EMI interst 153537 and aid full amount to the Bank, is it allowable for deduction.