Easy Office
LCI Learning

24 March 2009 at 09:57

int on home loan

hello everyone
if a home loan is taken by the employee from its employer bank and int charged to employee is less than charged to any normal a customer of the bank.
1)rebate in int is to be treated as perk in the hand of employee.is it correct.
2)whether he can claim the deduction for int on loan. he has acquired home with the amt of loan but till date has not paid any installment for the same.amt of int is accruing in his loan account..
pl. suggest
thanks in advance

24 March 2009 at 09:45

interest on home loan

hello everyone
if a home loan is taken by the employee from its employer bank and int charged to employee is less than charged to any normal a customer of the bank.
1)rebate in int is to be treated as perk in the hand of employee.is it correct.
2)whether he can claim the deduction for int on loan. he has acquired home with the amt of loan but till date has not paid any installment for the same.amt of int is accruing in his loan account..
pl. suggest
thanks in advance

chintan mehta
23 March 2009 at 14:06

medical allowance

is medical allowance an fbt item?

23 March 2009 at 13:58



Please let me know if a business is shutting down temporarily & its assets are not in use for the time being (approx. 8-12 months).

1)Can we provide depreciation on that assets in the books?

2) can we claim depreciation as an expenses while calculting business income for Income Tax purpose?

----Ankit Doshi

Rahul Mittal
23 March 2009 at 01:00

30% Tax bracket

This financial year, our company is falling under 30% tax bracket as there is no depreciation.

What are the ways to minimize the Income tax liability?



Hi friends,

Please clarify whether FBT is applicable in the following case:

If a company reimburses conveyance expenses incurred by the employee exclusively in relation to work of the client, and later on company gets reimbursement from the client, whether such "out of pocket expenses" are liable to FBT under the head " Conveyance"?

Thanks & regards

Hiren Parikh

We are manufacrurer cum trader in hydraulic equipments and also provide some technical, repairs, training services etc. taxable service.

As a company assessee, we have to pay service tax on outward freight.

We are taking service tax credit on all the invoices whether it is for production or sales.

Can we utilise such credit against the payment of service tax on GTA for outward freight?

19 March 2009 at 12:56



In case of Investment in a PPF account, I wanted to know if the amount deposited after the intial investment can be less then the intial investment. Also wanted to know wether if the deopsit can be one time or what is the minimun years of investment required. (For ex: 1st year if 60000 is invested is it possible to invest 50000 in the second year and can the inevstment be only for 5 intial years)

17 March 2009 at 12:09

Housing loan from father

My father wants to give me a housing loan by cheque with a interest @ 10 % P.A.

Can I get the deuction under salary head by section 80 C and section 24 of IT act.

13 March 2009 at 16:33


I just complete my 15 month of articalship without any leave.At the period of articalship I only doing filedman work 'Like a Pagal'. My CA never given any type of work which related my trainig. Iwas there only one Artical.About all this Icould not lost my temple but at the time completing 15 month I gave him an application for taking leave for of PCC. He never give ne any leave for my preparation of PCC.

What can I do?