Easy Office
LCI Learning

04 February 2010 at 16:29


Hello everyone,

I wanted to know whether there is any CBDT circular which states that TDS rates for bills/vouchers pertaining to period before 1st October,2009 old rates will be applicable. Assuming transporter bills for the month of April 2009 are received in November 2009, then which rate will be applicable. New TDS rate or old rate for April 2009.

03 February 2010 at 13:01

Filing return

One person is getting interest income which is shown in other sources every year. He is an employee of public sector company. He died in Oct, and his income transfered to his wife's name. Now her wife received Form 16A for the year from the company in her name only.
So the querry is while filing return whether income is to be shown in the name of her wife or.. income should be bifurcated ,i.e., till Oct in name of that Person and after Oct in name of her wife??
Please help me out of this situation.

amit bansal
02 February 2010 at 14:42

about pvt. comp. in rural area

if i set up a pvt. comp in rural area what kind of tax benefits the comp. got?

30 January 2010 at 19:01


if a person has been filing returns since (any no of years)..and if he doesnt file his return in this year or coming year...becoz he has not taxable income..(income does not exceed the exemtion limit)...he is individual....then it is ok with the dept...can he continue return filing in next year ,if he has taxable income...generally c.a's dont tell this to clients and they r not aware of this fact..and next then what happened to his capital a/c and bal sheet for that year in which he is not filling the return ...how the below exempted incone can adjust in capital a/c bal sheet....


Kindly clarify i am earning monthly 150000/- salary from my salary deducting 30 % TDs. For consultant tax rate 10%
Which one better for me as being consultant or salary hoder for tax saving please clarify in details urgently

prakash r sahane
24 January 2010 at 16:42

Revaluation of Land & building

An assessee wants to Revalue its land & building ( Bldg constructed in Aug 2009,Cost Rs 1.5 crores, Market Value of Land & buildig arround 3 Crores)
Can the Assessee Revalue ?
What is the Accounting treatment ? How depreciation is to be charged ? and what is the Depreciation for Income Tax Purpose ?

23 January 2010 at 12:40

Incoem tax return

To all CAs
Last 5/6 Years I doing Accounts Writing on Part Time or Contract basis.

Now i am planning to file Return. My query is What source of income I have to show?
for e.g. Consulting Charges or Professional fees.to avoid service tax problem.& which ITR should i File

Please give me Good Advice for future to do the work professional ways and setup my own office.
Thanking you in advance.

22 January 2010 at 13:59

Form26AS (Tax credit Statement)

What is Tax cedit statement (Form 26AS) as introduced by Income tax dept.? what is the use of being registered for individuals?

21 January 2010 at 22:10


Experts please resolve my doubt in TDS
As the latest amendment in TDS is that rate of TDS is nil under Section 194 C with a condition that PAN of the deductee is compulsory. And failure to quote PAN will lead to levy of 20% on freight paid.
How to file return in this case

Whether to file NIL return even when we pay more than 50000 as freight?


File the return specifying the amount paid as freight and the deductee details with rate of tax as 0 %(nil)

21 January 2010 at 19:10

opening capital

how much can b a opening capital for an ipcc student ?what type of income he can show if it is the first year of filling of income as generally we try to show fake income and also if he/she is indulged in articleship?can he/she get salary from his fathers company?