This Query has 1 replies
Please Answer this question from the point of view of an Auditor.
Mr. X, a practicing Chartered Accountant of M/s. X Associates (being the individual Trade name of Mr.X), is appointed as an auditor of a private limited company on 1st September 2014.
On 15th November 2014, Mr. X intends to join a new Partnership with Mr. A, Mr. B & Mr.C who all hold practice in their individual trade name and who all now intend to set up a partnership firm.
Mr. A , Mr. B & Mr. C decide to surrender their individual trade name and start a new Partnership firm. They intend to accept Mr. X as a partner on the one condition that he must also surrender his individual trade name.
Now Mr. X seeks your advice to know whether can he accept the offer made to him by the partnership firm. What are the legal hurdles that he will face both from the point of view of The Companies Act, 2013 and The Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.
Mr.X also thinks that since he has to resign as an auditor of the private limited company, there would be some adverse impact from the Registrar of Companies or some sort of harassment to his client at a later date.
Though it must be noted that the partners of the firm do not object in Mr. X continuing to sign the financials of the private limited company. Is the concern of Mr. X legitimate.
This Query has 10 replies
Is it compulsory to deduct PF after 1 Sep'2014 of the employee's whose draw salary Rs.15000? If it is compulsory it has to be deduct in basic or gross?
This Query has 2 replies
Dear Friends,
I have recently started my own CA firm in the name of Ameya. M. Pai & Co. I want to know which all books should i have in store along with the publishers name for Income tax, service tax and Maharashtra vat. Also suggest me book for Accounting Standards and Revised schedule VI. I would also like to know good books for Auditing including Tax audit, statutory audit and internal audit.
In addition to the above, pls guide me on how to source clients for my business and also what are the further studies opportunities for me which would help me in future without disturbing my present profession for the purpose of study.
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peer review report
This Query has 1 replies
Hello Friends,
I am into practice from past 5 years, I am practicing in my individual name and now planning for applying for firm/trade name.
I am not clear whether Institute will consider my past 5 years period which I did it in my individual name for any audits
Please answer my question whether if I register for firm/trade name as on date,then that firm will be all together a new firm or my past 5 years professional experience will be taken into consideration.
Thanks in advance.
This Query has 2 replies
is any place wer I can gets all amendments of various department. need to stay updated. reffing all sites daily is headache. any website wich provides all amendments with reliable info..... make sure it's free of cost no paid subscription. as I m article assistance now..
This Query has 3 replies
what is the % on which a practicing a CA can not receipt the fees from his client from his total fees of the year?
is it 80% ?
pl suggest the reference if any there?
This Query has 1 replies
how do I get proprietorship registered? can it be done online?
This Query has 4 replies
1. I want to give a special rate offer to CA Fraternity .
2. In this I wish to propose a special offer for "Discounted/Budgeted Marble and Granite" to our CA community and their referrals.
Is there any way to present our offer to all CA members so that they can be benefited by this.
Is there any trouble for the auditor?