Poonawalla fincorps
Poonawalla fincorps

Sushant Panigrahi
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24 March 2009 at 07:31


I was not charging VAT on my bill as the turnover was not exceeding 5 lacs. since now my turnover exceeds 5 lacs and i had applied for VAT registeration, shall i raise debit note on billing for collecting output vat on previous bill. Any other way to setoff VAT as my most purchase are from outside the state

Rahul Mittal
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23 March 2009 at 00:56


We intend to clear our custom duty obligations through DEPB.

Whether DEPBs are subject to VAT or CST? If yes, what are the prescriber rates?

Can VAT paid for DEPB be used as input credit?

Badri Narain Maheshwari
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22 March 2009 at 18:34

VAT applicability

if "X" provide trucks on rent or hire on monthly rental basis, i want to know on this rent VAT would be applicable or not but ownership of truck will remain with "X".

i read definitation of "sale" in which it has been mention that SALE include " transfer of right to use goods for any purpose" & in "GOODS" definitation moveable property is include.

Prashant Kumar Gupta
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22 March 2009 at 12:46

Entery of Vat in Tally 7.2

I received a Bill from Dealer its Details given blow:
Refind 360Tin @ 592.00 Rs/Tin Total 13120.00
Discount Received -1080.00
Input Vat @ 4% 481.60
Sub Total 12521.60
Add: Insurance 1080.00
Sub Total 13601.60
Less: Cash Discount -1080.00
Amount Payable 12521.60
Pls Tell me How can i do in Tally 7.2

Amit Kumar
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21 March 2009 at 15:06

Vat input claim under Form F

Dear Sir, We have Brnach at diff location supposed we are purchaseing the product in Jaipur at 4% vat and transfering the same through stock transfer machanisum (issuing F Form)to the Delhi Branch. Where we can claimed input (Rajsthan or Delhi)

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20 March 2009 at 18:06

VAT related query

Hi to all my friend has vat no but he is not having CST no. but still he is selling goods to outside maharashtra and he has not filled any VAT return so how to solve this query
currently he is asking me that whether he can pay VAT instead of CST on goods sold outside maharashtra
please help me in this topic

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20 March 2009 at 15:16


what is the time limit for filing C form to claim input tax credit

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20 March 2009 at 15:15

VAT registration

heelo frnds
pl explain me the procedure for VAT registrations..............
Awaiting for ur reply

Thanks in anticipation

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20 March 2009 at 15:05


hi frnds......
Mr XYZ is doin business and is a proprietor namely in M/s ABC1, M/s ABC2, M/s ABC3.
MY doubt is
will there will there be different VAT registrations for the above mentioned ABC1,2,3???
IT MEANS three VAT registrations
am i rite?
pl guide friends

thanks in anticipation

Bidyut Mukherjee
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19 March 2009 at 21:19

Input VAT credit

For purchase of any material how many % input VAT adjusted against VAT payable