Hemanth Kumar
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28 April 2009 at 13:05

Sale of Motor Car owned by Company

Dear Sir

Kindly let me know whether the company should charge VAT on sale of Motor car owned by it? If yes at what rate under which clause.

The company is not involved in the business of selling of car it is in real estate business. The car has been classified under Fixed Assets

The sale is happening in Karnataka and also between the group companies


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28 April 2009 at 11:24

VAT input of capital goods

we are in trading concern in medical product. can you please provide me ref. to law/circulars about vat input credit in case of capital goods like furniture, computer, office equipments, electrical,building

I want to know that can we claim vat input cr. of capitalized goods above 3% vat(ie.foregoing 3%)

Hemanth Kumar
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28 April 2009 at 10:39

Sale of Motor Car owned by Company

Dear Sir

Kindly let me know whether the company should charge VAT on sale of Motor car owned by it? If yes at what rate under which clause.

The company is not involved in the business of selling of car it is in real estate business.

The sale is happening in Karnataka and also between the group companies


A. Kiran Kumar
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27 April 2009 at 14:36

'C' Forms lost in transit

Dear All,
C Forms (Original & Duplicate)issued by our customer were lost in transit. So you are requested to advise me the procedures if any, to solve my problem.

Thanks in advance.

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27 April 2009 at 11:08

Input tax credit

Dear Friends,

we have 2 products - one product is exempted from vat and other carries 4% vat.

the item with 4% vat is in closing stock because of lack of demand....

i dont want to claim refund...but to take it forward the input credit in current financial year so that i can claim set off in this financial year ....can i do so...

or is it mandatory to claim refund at the end of the year.

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26 April 2009 at 20:58

M VAT Refund Procedure

My Client is a trader purchase goods from Mumbai and sells it in mumbai as well as out of Maha State. He has refund of vat in this process. I have already filed Vat return. Now want to know the procedure and requirements for Vat refund in detail. Kindly help
With Regards

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25 April 2009 at 21:09


This Queary is very complicated as under:

The Dealer is Registerd Dealer under DVAT and CST Act of Delhi and functioning its business from delhi. The dealers business is trading of Scientific Goods use for student. The dealer sold the goods to M.P. (Madhya Pradesh) to any school and charged CST @4% but the purchaser deducted The Tax amount from the Bill and deposited in the M.P. Government A/c And Issue a certificate on Form No.31 from M.P. Govt. My Question is this that CAN DEALER GET REBATE FROM HIS CST LIABILITY FOR THE AMOUNT OF WHICH HE GOT TDS CERTIFICATE ON FORM NO. 31. IF YES, IN WHICH COLUMN IN THE CST RETURN IT CAN BE ADJUSTED ? KINDLY CLARIFY THE POSITION AT EARLIAST.

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25 April 2009 at 14:13

sales tax

one real estate company have vat registration for rajasthan, company purchase material for site construction, vendors charge vat and cst. in real estate no sales tax on sale, so what will be the impect of vat modvat. either the company take modvat and how the entry booked in tally (purchase + vat) or purchase and vat seperatly.

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25 April 2009 at 12:53



could you pls tell me the different forms used in sales tax i.e F form H Form and their purpose

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25 April 2009 at 09:16

Form F in Karnataka VAT

We are the Authorised Dealers of TATA Motors in Karnataka.
We use to send the Engines from Karnataka for recondition works through Form 505 / Form 515 to U.P. or Chennai.
We receive the reconditioned Engines from U.P (TATA Motors) or Chennai (TATA Motors) to Karnataka through Sales Invoice (mentioned "Transfer to Agent against Form F")

Now the U.P (TATA Motors) & Chennai (TATA Motors)are asking for to present "Form F" against the transactions.

Please not this is not Branch Transfer. We are the Agents and not a part of TATA Motors.

Hence, please suggest
1) We have to issue "Form F" or not,If yes What is the procedures to get the Form from the Department (We have not declared the transaction Values in VAT 100)
2) From Karnataka we have also transferred the Engine to them. They are also eligible to issue "From F" or not. If Yes, what is the procedure.

Pls reply at the earliest. Becz We've to take action with in 30th of April.

Thanks & Regards