sanjiv setia
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26 May 2009 at 10:37

tax on job work

We wish to start doing job work on manufacturing for an exporter.
all materials will be supplied by the party and we will add just the labour content

What tax will we be subject to
thank you

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25 May 2009 at 22:41

whether vat is on labour job?

I have a conversion unit,where I am converting HB wire to anile wire without
adding any extra material into it,I am just doing it through heat,I am getting only labour charges, wheather I am entitled to

Namdev Dhongade
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25 May 2009 at 15:07

treatment of discount

can u tell me about discount? which one method of the following is more usefull.
if gross salse is 100
Less :- discount 4
Net sales 96
Vat @4% 3.84
Gross sales 99.84

if gross salse is 100
Vat @4% 4
Net sales 104
Discount 4
Gross sales 100

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I came to know that entry tax payment is not mandatory for Orissa because of pending court decisions.
In case of Jharkhand, entry tax payment was stopped by high court order but there is no suitable informations regarding state of Bihar.
Is there any body, who can provide proper informations regarding Orissa & Bihar states.

R. A. RAI.
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25 May 2009 at 11:09


whether VAT is applicable on lead(loha) or scrap item of it ? what is the percentage for the same?

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24 May 2009 at 17:00


Dear All,

We had made a payment to a vendor in Oct 2008 for purchasing some goods but the bill for the same item, we did't receive, so the creditor showing a debit balance. kindly tell what can be do to settle the account.


varun gupta
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22 May 2009 at 11:27

VAT on purchase of Airconditioner

A manufacturing Unit purchases an AC for its office and bill includes VAT also. Can it take the Input credit for the VAT amt paid?

varun gupta
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22 May 2009 at 11:19

VAT Input on Expansion related exp

A company is expanding its unit and purchasing Cement & other materials on which it is Paying VAT to seller. Can this VAT amt be claimed as Input Credit or there are some restrictions?

C.A. neeraj kuamr jain
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21 May 2009 at 16:50

vat liability on builders

i want to know that if a party is purchased land and constructed flat on these through a contractor and after that sold the flat to individuals. will there be any vat and service tax liability.
what will the case if he himself constructed the flat .

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We are paying Rs. 24 Lacs Per annum against bill for machinery hire charges & we are deducting TDS u/s 94(I) @ 10.3%.

I would like to know whether KVAT is applicable AND CAN WE CLAIM INPUT VAT CREDIT.