29 October 2010 at 16:18

Accounting of purchases and sales

We are in Consulting and engineering business , previously we are purchasing materials for our projects and selling in the same month to customers ( not maitaining any stocks) Now this month we have purchased some materials for one of our project but sales invoice will be raised in next month after completion of implementation.
Can we take purchases in system and sales can take in next month? Is there any effect ? I known below mentioned effects 1. Purchases will be there without sales ( expenses without income)2.I think We need to maitain stock.

Any one can help me out how to take

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29 October 2010 at 12:32

Applicability to SEZ units

Are local taxes like VAT applicable to SEZ units?
Pl clarify

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28 October 2010 at 17:14

Set off of VAT on liquor

is VAT set off available on purchase of liquor if it is sold by operating a BAR and Restaurant ??

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26 October 2010 at 13:39

VAT on DG Rent or DG Hire

Whether there is any VAT liability on Dg Rent or DG Hire income?

Whether giving of DG on Rent or Hire is called transfer of right to use goods?

Kindly site case laws in support of your answer, if any.

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Mallika Padmanabhan
25 October 2010 at 21:32

Works contract tax

We are a dealers for Software and doing some services. We supplied a Software to Railways, Mumbai and doing some implementation works for their project. We are doing billing from chennai to mumbai- for Software both CST & Service Tax and for Implementation work- Service Tax.

As we are doing interstate sales and interstate services is works contract tax is applicable.

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please provide me Daman & Silvassa Vat return excel or word formate on it is not avaible in file section

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25 October 2010 at 16:43

Exemption for export of service

If there is export of service, can exemption/refund be claimed from VAT/CST on purchase of goods/materials to be used for export of service?

What is the relevant section/notification?

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24 October 2010 at 18:05

at pre incorporation period


At the time of pre incorporation period means construction of the plant we need to capture the Input VAT or we need to directly booked WIP

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23 October 2010 at 16:44

mrp purchase

we pay vat separate on purchases /sales but one party issued us mrp bill including tax now how to pay on sales and any setoff available on mrp purchase if we charge sepratly on sales

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22 October 2010 at 17:35

purchase/sales return

some one please tell me that if sale amount'c' form is 4946565/- and the sale return is 104502/- then where i show the sale retun amount in the dvat return

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