11 January 2008 at 18:21

Puchase of a private limited company

One of my client want to purchase a running rolling mill(PVT. Co.) in west bengal. I want to know wheather the purchaase shall be made on valuation of individual assets and liablities or purchase the whole shares and the advantages /disadbantages in both the proposal.

Pankaj Khodaskar
11 January 2008 at 15:51

Limited Liability Partnership

Does any one have explanatory material/concept note on LLP? Espcially one, showing comparison between law introduce in India and law prevalent other countries where LLP concept is well settled

Rohit Mishra
11 January 2008 at 14:43

issue ragarding capital reserve

if company wants to issue its forfeited equity shares than it may possible that all the amount forfeited transfered to capital reserve and after that from that amount it can issue bonus share as it was capital reserve !

Dolly Jagad

Dear Sir

Can i know the procedure to transfer the shares of private limited company in detail? whether any stamp duty has to be paid if the shares transferred are unlisted in Bangalore stock exchange?

Dasharath Appa Pujari

Dear Sir,

Kindly explain me the procedure for purchase of second hand flat?


Dear Sirs,
A resident Individual proposes to acquire 30% of shares in a company functioning in the country Malawi(Africa).The said Indl has been regularly exporting materials to the company and the total amount of proposed investment is Rs.1.50 crores.What are the RBI provisions in this regard and what are the other provisions have to be seen.