Ratul Jain
22 April 2016 at 21:01

ind as

what are the expected ques for ind as. like will they be practicle or theory or majorly difference in ind as and AS. plz suggest for may 16 exam

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16 April 2016 at 16:22

Ipcc group 2

Hello. How shall i do smart study for may16 group 2 ipcc exam? 25 days left and i have finished my first revision. I want to pass. Please advice me.

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01 April 2016 at 22:51

Ca final exams

if i have filled form both the group but i wanna give grp 2 only...do i need to sit in exam hall for first grp also ......if i wana give 1 paper of grp also do i need sit for all papers of grp 1 also

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Ajay Singh Panwar
01 April 2016 at 19:54

Ca final 2nd grp help

guys plz help I m giving 2nd grp in this may 16 but course to big to revise in one day before xam I m very nervous plz help me in direct tax n cost these r very wast plZ brother n sister help me Tia

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arpna sharma
22 March 2016 at 12:05


Experts please tell me that new syllabus or subjects are also applicable for old students and starts from may 2016?

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23 February 2016 at 15:40

Fixed assets

what is the journal entry for recording an asset received as a gift??? could anyone please help me with the above question pls

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Mine is nov 2016 attempt. I want to attend isca in present batch. But those classes are relevant for may16 attempt. Can i attend those classes now?? Amendments in jan16 edition of study material are manageable?? Or they are more. Please help me

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Sir icai latest publication is in jan2016. Same set of books will apply for nov 2016 exams also? Or new books and new supplementary study paper will be issued for nov16 exams?? Please help me

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20 February 2016 at 11:32


Hi Friends ,,Whether icai ll send revision test papers(RTP) of may 16 to our correspondance address directly ,for those who are wriing final exam the first tme ? ,because ,For IPCC I got through post

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16 February 2016 at 13:42


Sir, I cleared 1st group and got exemption in Isca ...in 1st attempt.....now I have 3 subjects remaining...cost dt idt...m really confused where to start..how to start again...all my frnds are giving both groups ..I want to clear it in any case ..please guide me

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