CA Gaurav Goyal
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22 July 2009 at 16:30


My parents have shares in Share Certificate Forms(Paper). We want to sell them off, how can we sell those shares? What are the charges that can be attracted against sale of shares?

Rajesh Somani
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21 July 2009 at 17:20

Interest on Loan

Hi Sir,
I wanted to Know about the Following

Say i have taken the loan of RS 1 Lakh from my father & i have invested that amount in Share market.
I have earned short term capital gain of RS 10 thousand.
I am paying him the interest RS 10 thousand(at 10% interest).
My salary is 1.5 Lakh.
So i wanted to know that am i required to pay any tax on the short term capital gain(as i m paying RS 10 thousand as interest) or i get tax exemption.
Is the short term gain & the interest that is paid on the loan adjustable?

Thanks & Regards
Rajesh Somani

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21 July 2009 at 10:43

Demat A/c

Some shares have been jointly held by husband and wife.Hudband dies.Can wife held those shares on her single name? What is the procedure for this? Is she requied to change her Demat A/c or can she continue with the old one? I the lady transfers the shares to her daughter, is daughter liable to Caital gain tax?

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20 July 2009 at 22:29

About Nifty and Future & option

Dear Sir,
My Name is Meet.I'm working in Private Limited company.So,Sir I wants to know how to maintain F&O Accounting in Tally.I Do each and every transaction entered or only Profit & Loss Transaction.

hitesh sharma
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20 July 2009 at 14:47

Shot term capital gain u/s 111A

Sec 48 says that we can;t avail seduction of STT while computing Short term capital gain Suggest me can we avail deduction of STT , Brockerage , Corp. Tax and Stamp duty while calculating Short Term Capital Gain

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19 July 2009 at 08:25

Minority Interest & Deferred taxes


I need a clarification on the valuation of Minority interest & deferred taxes. My question is for the equity valuation purpose do we treat these two items as liability or assets. My confusion is because of the following:

Deferred taxes: As it arises because of the timing difference and on going concern basis I normally see in balance sheet that this item never gets reversed completely. Which means that though this is a tax liability it does not falls due and hence this cash is available to use in business.

Minority Interest: simply the other firms equity in the business, income is shared as like other shareholder, no interest is paid on this, so should be treated as equity.

Any thoughts or idea will help

thanks and regards


CA Manish K Dhoot
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12 July 2009 at 17:38


Wht is QIP?

sujit giri
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12 July 2009 at 16:21

Post office savigs account

If I want to open one post office savings accounts with cheque book facility to invest in the stock market or to invest in the mutual fund, is there any problem?
1.Shall I get a cheque book with MICR number ?
2.Shall I be able to open one a/c on behalf of our HUF ?

CA. Deepak
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Respected Members,
Please give me guidaince about commodity profit and short term capital loss.

Can I set off short term capital loss against Commodity Profit.

Thanks in Advance.

With Regards,

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08 July 2009 at 16:54

D-MAT A/c.

My saving A/c with Union bank of India. Can i open my D-Mat A/c.with Union bank ? If this is not Possible then how to open D-mat A/c ? please give me ideas.