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I bought 40 shares of a listed company in Aug'09, 20 shares in Dec'09, 20 shares in Feb'10 and 40 shares in May'10.I sold 40 shares in June'10. To calculate STCG can the LIFO method be used or FIFO will have to be used? Please advise.
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I'm getting following charges on my shares transactions apart from brokerage -
1) Service Tax
2) STT
3) Transaction Charge
4) Stamp Duty
5) SEBI Tax
Is there any exemption that is available on these charges that are paid for shares transaction? Is the exemption/treatment different in-case of Intraday & Capital Gain? Is it needed to track these expenses differently for Shared Intraday Trading & Shares Delivery transaction?
This Query has 1 replies
I have made an investment of 2 Lakhs in Jan 2008 and now the current market value is below 75k. I am willing to share the portfolio and would like to come out of it. Could any friend help me.
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wht is floor price????
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1. I have few shares (in paper from) which were bought in nineties in joint account. My wife being first holder and me second. I have a DP acct in my name. I want to convert these shares in DMAT now. How do I do it? Please advise.
2. I also have few shares (in paper from) which was never transfered in my name or my wife's name. Again bought in nineties. How do I DEMAT them? If the signature of seller is required, I can get them. Please advise.
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What is the imporance of stop loss, why we should take a stop loss because many time stock again move after breaking the stop loss??
This Query has 3 replies
Can a company declare pro rata basis dividend
A co. has share capital rs.500000 up to 30-03-2010 then it rase his capital up to 900000 rs. now what is base rate for declaraion of dividend as on 31-03-2010 i.e 900000 OR pro rata basis(500000 up to 30-03-2010 and 900000 from 30-03-2010 to 31-03-2010)
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Please tell me what is Debt. equity ratio & its calculation method.
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What is portfolio management style,Why this is necessary for an investor while setting his/her investment policy?
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I am new to share market and i want to do Short term trading. Can any one suggest me about what factors to be considered while investing in a company's share.
Short Term capital Gains