This Query has 2 replies
What is Book closure date and how it is different from record date ?
This Query has 6 replies
Where can i get the name of the company with its respective registrar details. Not by searching one by one. But a complete list of Name of the Company and its Registrar.
This Query has 3 replies
Hi, I am very new to stock trading. Plz any one tell me the steps to be followed to do short term trading i.e. Demat A/c opening, website to be accessed etc.
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Can any 1 tell me the site or some source by which I can get the information about IPO's during the financial year 2007-2008
This Query has 4 replies
Please tell me the meaning of some financial terms mentioned under:-
1)Slack Season
2)Special Purpose Vehicle
3)Cold hard cash
4)Interest rate swap
7)hedge fund
8)counterparty risk
9)360 degree profile
10)bull run
11)bank note
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Company A Ltd. has 5 divisions out that one division say “M” was demerged and merged with B Ltd. The demerger is as per High Court Order.
The valuer of shares determined the worth of “M” division of “A” Ltd. at 40 percent of total worth of “A” Ltd. Accordingly “B” Ltd. allotted shares to the share holders of “A” Ltd. as under.
Sr.No. Name of Share holders No. of Shares in “A” Ltd. 40 percent Ratio for Allotment Share Alloted by “B” Ltd.
1 P 5000 2000 20 : 5 500
2 Q 8000 3200 20 : 5 800
3 R 4000 1600 20 : 5 400
4 S 2000 800 20 : 5 200
5 T 1000 400 20 : 5 100
Total 20000 8000 2000
The share holders did not pay any amount to “B” Ltd. against allotment of shares.
Now I want your opinion what will be the value of shares of “B” Ltd. in the hands of share holders.
1) Is it NIL value as nothing is paid by the share holders to “B” Ltd. ?
2) Is it Rs. 100/- i.e. face value of share and to reduce the value of shares of “A” Ltd. to that extent ?
3) To reduce the value of shares of “A” Ltd. by 40 percent and to show said amount as value of shares of “B” Ltd.
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can I purchase the shares of HDFC TOP 200 growth fund form any HDFC Branch or is there any other source?
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How to interpret the Balance Sheet figures of a Company from the point of view of:
1. to Invest in the shares of the company
2. to understand the financial status of the Company
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there are two model we have studied in ca fina that is...
2)Growth model
both can be used to calculate the current share price both have different basis and assumption,
i just want to know which one is best.and whether both can be used in similar situation.
Thanks in advance
Information R Shares & Stock