Easy Office
LCI Learning

20 November 2009 at 18:13

Interest Rate

Dear Sir,

Please say me Interest rate for Custom Duty and how should it be calcullated


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13 October 2009 at 23:39

Re-Export Procedure for Garment

Dear All,

we are Garment Exporters, we have Parent company Outside India, recently we had imported Garments(Shirt) from our Parent company which we were selling in our Country. Some of the imported quantities remains with us.

Note: we had imported the said goods(garments) under DEPB.
1.Is there any Customs duty will be applicable?
2.what will be the procedure to re-export the same to our Parent Company.

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Santosh Shetty
03 October 2009 at 18:03

Export Incentive

Dear Sir,

Basically we are into ready made garment exports. Now my question is, we have made export shipment of USD 350000/- to a particular buyer in FY 2008-09 & all the payments have been relised in full for the same. Now the buyer is asking for the discount of USD $23000/-. While we approached our bank for TT Payment, they are asking us to surrender the proportionate drawback amt. I understand that if the discount amt is below 10% we need not surrender the export incentive. So I request you kindly advice in this matter.

Thanking you in advance,


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28 August 2009 at 18:29

Customs Duty on Software

Is customs Duty Applicable to Software??
if yes
Our company imports Software licenses from Microsoft all transaction are through online only. they receive the License online and they transfer it to Reseller for a commission.
weather Customs duty is applicalble for such transactions??
The Company Chages both Sales tax (VAT) and also Service tax,(not WCT)
VAt at State rates
Service tax @ 10%+3%

Please Clarify weather Customs duty is applicable..

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10 August 2009 at 14:16

industrial training

Can anyone tell me the minimum period for which industrial training can be pursued and the formalities to be complied with the institute regarding the same?


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26 March 2009 at 11:02

Filing revised bill of entry

In course of import in to India our customer had wrongly filed bill of entry using our vendor invoice instead of our invoice. the Po is in US dollars. This happened in the month of Oct 08. Our customer is not willing to revise bill of entry. Our vendor invoice is for a very low value as a result of which we might be paid very less when compared to Po value.
How can this be resolved.

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Vishnu Agarwal
08 October 2008 at 12:30

relating to TRIM

What is the full form & meaning of TRIM?

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28 December 2007 at 20:22

CA certificate in respect of EPCG

Hi friends,

Could you please let me know the details in respect of CA certificate for EPCG export obligation? One of the client company has fulfilled export obligation of eight times of duty saved in respect of import made in 2007 dec.When should the certificate be obtained from CA in appendix 9a and 22.Is there any guidance book available?

Please advice me in this regard.

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