afthab junejo m p
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19 June 2008 at 07:18

FBT on depreciation on car

Whether depreciation on motor car is deemed fringe benefit?
If yes, hou can we calculate value of fringe benefit? As per Income Tax Act, depreciation of all fixed assets is to be calulated in block method. And, under block method, we cannot find the depreciation of motor car seperately.
Please, any one, give me an answer for this !

Shilpa Jain
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19 June 2008 at 06:44

Income clubbing

Husband's(H) gross income is much higher than wife's gross income. Wife(W) gives her professionally earned money to Husband (H). H opens FD with bank & invests remaining part of that money in stock markets on his name. Bank deducted TDS with H PAN and all transancation done in stock market are with H PAN.

Does the income from FD and stock market investments belongs to W for income tax purpose? Please note that H's individual gross income is higher than W's individual gross income.

s. k. mohan
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The IT Act provides for 60% depreciation on computers, but the word computer has not been defined. My question is, whether computer accessaries, like printers/scanner/UPS etc. should be debited to computer A/c to get benefit of 60% Depn. or it should be classified under Office equipments (eligible for 15% Depn.)
Further, will it make any difference if these items are purchased along with computer or bought ubsequently/separately.

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18 June 2008 at 19:42

HUF Formation

Whether HUF can be formed by Couple having no childrens?

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18 June 2008 at 19:24

t.d.s relatecd query

our client has not deducted t.d.s from interest on loan payment whole year 2007-08?
now they have decided to pay t.d.s amt after due date in this month? that interest expenditur will be allow in this fin year 2007-08,,if they pay t.d.s amt after 31 st may (means this month only) with interest?
or it will be allow in next fin year 2008-09.?reply fast

Gautam Patel
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What 's the due date of payment of profession tax which is deducted from the employees salary in the state of Maharashtra

Brijesh Kumar
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18 June 2008 at 16:35



can any one tell me in which condition we have to pay ADVANCE FBT TAX payment

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18 June 2008 at 16:24

Query regarding F.B.T

Depreciation on cars is attracted for fbt .whether depreciation is taken as per companies act or income tax act.

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18 June 2008 at 16:23

Urgent Please !!

I had file a return of a audited firm through e-filling on last date(i.e. 31st October). But By mistake, I forgot to file its ITR-V form. What should I do now?

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18 June 2008 at 16:21

Urgent ! delay in filling ITR V

I had file a return of a audited firm through e-filling on last date(i.e. 31st October). But By mistake, I forgot to file its ITR-V form. What should I do now?