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LCI Learning

yash chauhan
21 December 2008 at 20:33

HRA & Home loan Int.

Can a Salaried Individaul take Both HRA Exemption & Home Loan Intrest deduction?
If Yes ,How?

I am talking of two different houses, one where person is living for employment reason and another house where his family living.

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CMA. Subhash Kumar Jha
18 December 2008 at 14:53

Capital gain Tax calculation ?


In calculation of capital gain in MF investments,how to decide to set off some loss & to ignore some loss ?

What is the effect of dividend in calculation of capital gain ?

Kindly explain.

Thanking you.

Subhash Jha

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16 December 2008 at 20:19

Re: Resident Status

I am On Deputation from my company to UAE since July20 and would be spending more than 183 days outside India in the current fiscal year.

Will I be treated as NRI for the Current Year?

My Company is not paying any salary for this period and paying allowance in USD which is being remitted from India to Dubai and encashed in UAE.Company is Paying FBT on these Payments.Would this amount be Taxable even if I am Outside India for more than 183 Days in the current Year.

Please advise?

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15 December 2008 at 16:19


Dear Experts

How much rate of % PF and ESI,

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15 December 2008 at 13:02

Commission paid to directors

we have make a provision entry for Directors Commission (Section Code 92B) with TDS deduction and credited to directors account on 31-03-2008 but till date the net commission after deducting TDS was not paid to directors what is the due date for TDS Payment to Govt.pl clarify till date we have not paid the TDS also we have to pay the interest on late payment of TDS or not

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13 December 2008 at 22:24

tds - 194 (J)

I read that sitting fees paid to directors would come under purview of 194(J).The reason it seems is that he can be defined as manager under companies act..1956,which seems to be an absurd explanation!! How can tat definition be applied to income tax act ???Should come under194(J) ??

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13 December 2008 at 12:53


ours is a pvt ltd co.in building construction trade,we have taken over a partnership firm as a going concern and after taking over the partnership firm,the partnership firm is dissolved.our pvt ltd co. now wants to take the advantage of credentials of taken over partnership firm--
1.like its experiences of work done,i.e.work completion certificates.
2.its turnover in last years.
The query is so generated bcoz ours pvt ltd co.is doing contract business so previous experience[specially these two] is a critical factor in bidding.

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CMA. Subhash Kumar Jha
12 December 2008 at 17:18

Urgent Clarification of FBT required ?


I am confused. Yesterday i got two opinion stating Driver's salary should be included in vehicle running & maint exp.

Please refer to "CIRCULAR No. 8/2005, dt 29/8/05 of Fin Act, 2005.

Point No. 78

Reimbursement in respect of car exp on the basis of bills submitted & driver's salary on the basis of declaration :

such reimbursement is effectively exp of employers for the purpose ofconveyance, tour & travel covered in clause (F). SO IT IS A CONVEYANCE EXP.

Point No. 87

Salary paid to driver of a motor car :
is a vehicle running & maint exp.






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10 December 2008 at 18:07

Section 54EC - Capital Gain

If I made an investment in the bonds under section 54EC before expiry of 6 months, by way of cheque and the stamp on the bond is of the date of submmission of cheque. but, if the clearance of cheque is after the date of expiry of 6 months will i be able to avail the exemption? the assessing officer denies to grant the exemption. please resolve as soon as possible.

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DR CR Ramesh
10 December 2008 at 14:29

Best insurence plan

Which is the best insurence plan to mainimise the individual income tax

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