12 July 2007 at 09:36

Advance Tax

when a person has sold his listed shares and it is a short term capital gain, has sold the same shares in the last quarter, has not made the payment of tax completely.. so will he be liable to pay advance tax.. would like to get some illustrations as it is not convincing to pay advance tax for capital gains, lottery income etc. waiting for a response from your side at your earliest

Mrs.N. Alamelu
12 July 2007 at 04:08

Bank interest

Interest on savings bank account and RD Account - whether taxable. Is there any exemption limit.

Naresh Kansala
12 July 2007 at 04:07

house loan & HRA

if an employee get hra
and simtnly take houseing loan; his spouse & childrens r stayng at house which he take on houseing loan but he himself stay on rented house in other city.
then is he able to exemption for both hra & houseing loan or only for one out of these two & on wht basices

2. if only his dependent parents stay in house than wht is tax benifits

Naresh Kansala
12 July 2007 at 03:50

help please

if some one work in company & his imployer give him salary and at end of the year he give him form 16A and mention nature of payment as fees.

then under which head it is covered.
1 salary
2 other source
3 professional income

Naresh Kansala
12 July 2007 at 03:38

some buddy help me

1. if someone getting children education allowance but he single then is he able for exemption.



Whether TDS to be deducted on amount including or excluding service tax.

11 July 2007 at 10:23

additional depreciation

Whether additional depreciation is compulsory like normal depreciation ?

11 July 2007 at 10:19

Professional Tax

Can professional Tax pay through cash in Eseva centre and what form can filloup.

Arun Gupta
11 July 2007 at 06:35

Tax on Bank Interests

For the AY-2007-08 (FY 2006-07) what is the rule related to Tax on the Bank interests earned from savings/fd accounts. Is there some minimum amount over which the total interest is taxable or the entire figure is chargeable as part of income?

N Krishna Raj

A, owner of certain land, enters into agreement with a Firm S for development of land into a housing complex. In that firm , Mr. A and his 3 sons are partners.
In that agreement, Mr. A will be alloted 4 houses on completion, in which he plans to live with his 3 sons.(each flat for each son and one for himself).

Firm employs a contractor for building the structure of the complex and plans to do the finishing jobs by a set of local workers in that area with materials supplied by the company.

Constuction is in progress.

Undivided share of land is not registered till now in the names of the customers, decided to do on completion of the work.

What is the income tax liability of Mr. A with regard to transfer of land?

Whether it should be treated as capital contribution in the firm or not?

If capital gains liability accrue, 4 flats alloted will be eligible for exemption under various section of the sections 54?

Land was purchased by Mr. A in 1968.