Liability on Deducion and payment on TDS is based on Company or Location?
One company having two manufacturing unit in different unit unit 1 (Main unt) & Unit 2 sub unit.
It is necessary to get two TAN in different location and payment also the same
K Hariharan
whether indian IT 1956, is implemented in sikkim ??
i want to know by which notification tds on contractor under section 194c not to deducted please give the notification no. & date
i have a client, who has a income from HP-Rs,187822,and he is partner in 2 firms,from both firm he is getting remuneration & interest. Apart from that he is also doing construction business and he is taking benefit of Section 44AD.He incurred some expenses like Petrol Exp.,Dep.On Car,Interest on Car Loan,Professional Fees against income from Partnership Firm. His income U/s 44Ad is Rs.17220,Remuneration+Interest is Rs.57046 and against this both income he has incurred above exp. Rs.145234. Now Question is that whether Income U/s 44AD be set off against above Expenses or 44Ad will charge sepreatly?
i have a client, who has a income from HP-Rs,187822,and he is partner in 2 firms,from both firm he is getting remuneration & interest. Apart from that he is also doing construction business and he is taking benefit of Section 44AD.He incurred some expenses like Petrol Exp.,Dep.On Car,Interest on Car Loan,Professional Fees against income from Partnership Firm. His income U/s 44Ad is Rs.17220,Remuneration+Interest is Rs.57046 and against this both income he has incurred above exp. Rs.145234. Now Question is that whether Income U/s 44AD be set off against above Expenses or 44Ad will charge sepreatly?
one of my client got property as inheritance in 1952. he sold that property in 2006-07. as he can opt fmv as on 1-4- 1981, he tried for supporting document to get value as on 1-4-1981. but he did'nt get that. instead of that he obtained register value in the year 1987. can he take that as the base and can he go back and calculate fmv as on 1-4-1981?
plz guide me . i am in great confusion.
give reply to my mail ""
hi friends ,
this is haranath,
my query is,
Mr. A inherits a house property from his father, who had mortgaged it. Mr. A discharges the mortgage debt. Mr.A later sells the property. Can he claim the amount paid to the mortgagee as cost of improvement in computing the Capital Gain?
If yes, please refer any case laws.
firm tds on contractors limit 1000000/- over for the month dec'07.
In previous tds rate 2.06 deducted. From Jan'08 onwards 2.266 deducted (with surcharge).
In present month bills deducted tds with surcharges, in previous bills also changed with surchage (2.06 instead of 2.266)
my query is total bills effected 2.266 or above 10laks bills only?
please sir
hi frnds can you tell me what are the amendments applicable for may 08 exams
I know that Income tax Act 44AB governs Tax audit. Then what is Statutory audit? If they are different Can a tax auditor be a Statutoty auditor of the same company?
Liability on TDS -Locationwise or companywise