Amarjeet Singh
07 April 2008 at 16:10

Salary v/s income from salary

I need some case laws references which clarify on the issue that particular income should be taxable as salary income or income from profession

gopal malu
07 April 2008 at 16:09

TDS on Software developers

A payment of 200000Rs is made to a software developers for ERP implimentation in a company. Under which head it would come for TDS-whether contractor or Professional?

07 April 2008 at 15:57

Fringe Benefit Tax

Are Internet Charges taxable under fringe benefits?

Sanjeev Kumar Sharma

Hi to all

I need to confirm that an assessee gets HRA frim his employer and he also pay the housing loan int and principal to the concerned bank/institution, wheteher he get s the deduction u/s 10(14) and also the deduction for int. paid on housing loan u/s 24(b)
CA.Sanjeev Sharma

Nagaraj SV
07 April 2008 at 12:34

income from house property

will it be heplful for the assessee to claim interest on house property without actually paying it ?

07 April 2008 at 12:29

Desolution Deed

i want a format of Desolution Deed. Can anyone inform me from where i will got format of deed?



1.A individual sells his ag lands which is not a capital asset as per section 2 of IT act.It complies with the conditions of section 2 in all respects.

2.The nearby area has developed into SEZ and there is a huge appreciation for the land.

3.It is sold to a developer who is proposing township.

4.The view of the IT dept is it has lost the character of agri land and no prudent person will pay such a huge price for agri land and hence it is taxable. resolve this and if possible support with case laws.

06 April 2008 at 12:46

Recovery of Fringe Benefit Tax

As per the Income-tax Act, 1961 FBT paid on ESOP's can be recovered by the employer from the employee. The same would not be taxable in the hands of employer

I'm of the view, that the recovery of FBT on other fringe benefits should also be not taxable in the hands of the employer on the following grounds:

1) FBT is not an allowable expenditure for the purpose of computation of the business income.
So, when an expenditure is not allowable for the purpose of computation of business income anything recovered towards the same should not be taxable.

2) Moreover the FBT recovered from the employee would not be treated as tax paid by him for computation of his tax liability.

Kindly give your opinion on the above.

06 April 2008 at 12:36

Income Tax Return wrong payment

I have filed a return for A Y 07-08 with tax Tax payment But unfortunatly I have assumed Standerd Deduction of Rs 110000 instead of Rs 100000 so tax liablity should increase by 1000.
I have filled return on 31st march 2008

So what will happen now/What should I do now
1] Revised retun is not possible because filled on 31st march?
2]Pay Tax with penalty ie 1000+2%+penalty ?
3] wait for notice?
4] any other way?

Please suggest

05 April 2008 at 19:48

income tax returns

i want to file for income tax not a salaried person, but self i keep getting cheques,but all my cheques have a tds pls help what do i do?