When a company gives loan or advance to director holding more than 10% share in company.Suppose Loan of RS. 195000/- is given to director in previous year 2006-07 and same outstanding in P.Y. 2007-08. What will be accounting treatment to be shown in books and what will be the tax treatment in the hands of director/shareholder and company.
I am a CA student i have a qurerey regarding double taxation what is the treatment when an NRI come in india & he bring his income from out side india Let from Uk & he residing in uk from last 6or7 years & pay tax on his income in related country if he wtihwraw his income in india from NRI Account after coming in india. would he liable to pay any tax in india.
The Assessee is RNOR for A.Y. 08-09, is salary received outside india from a non govt. company is taxable in india?
Valid tax is already paid by the assessee in the country where salary is received.
We are Pharmaceutical company. We are giving gifts and cash to doctors to promoting our sales.Can we claim these expenses deductible for income tax purpose Or we have to pay FBT on these expenses at given specified rates.
Service tax paid on premium of LIC or mediclaim is allowed u/s 80C/80D?
Plz. let me know that the amount of ESI which is deducted from the salary of employee is exempted from tax or not.
What kind of conveyance will be taxable to FBT
what is the depreciation rate on printers & Fax Machine.
I have passed PE II gr I and apearing for PE II GrII . Does Central Sales tax applies to Nov 2008?
Ramesh C.A Student
A person having house at one city and he has letout this house but residing other city due to employment and residing in rented accomodation.
Please advise what would be the annual value for the income from house property for this individual.
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)
Deemed Dividend U/s 2(22)(e)