Gaurav Garg

A Public company has 7 cars having WDV of Rs. 1,50,76,896 as at 31.03.08. Whether Provision for Wealth Tax should be made or not.


Can a Holding private limited company accept loan from its subsidiary private ltd co? As sec 3 prohibits acceptance of deposits from public other than members, directors or their relatives.

Thanks in advance

rakesh kalani
07 August 2008 at 10:39

Risk Based Audit Approach

Sir can u please explain what is risk based audit approach?
is it different from normal audit approach?

rakesh kalani
07 August 2008 at 10:37

Risk BAsed Audit Approach

05 August 2008 at 18:17

AS for trust

wether accounting standards are applicable to charitable trust

Vishnu Agarwal
05 August 2008 at 16:04

relating to clearing & forwarding

what is the meaning of clearing &? forwarding charges

Krishna Chaitanya M


"Indirect Method" presentation of CFS.In cash flow statement " Direct taxes paid during the yr" should be disclosed.

1)Will the TDS Certificates received by the company disclosed as " Direct Taxes paid" in the Cash flow statement?
Plz tell me where it forms part of, in a Cash Flow Statement.

2) Can it (TDS certificates) be construed as Cash flows

madhur gupta
05 August 2008 at 12:52

provision for gratuity

the co.appointed all the employee new as on 1.04.2004 n co. is listed co.
my question is whether co.has to go for acctury valuation for 2007-08 financial year,bcoz co.has not created any provision this year just has paid rs7000 to one employee who has left the firm
is it amount to non compliance of as15 n require qualification?

04 August 2008 at 18:41

need a help

how to prepare audit & law for pcc which book is more preferable
so i can prepare my self

george arvind shanu
04 August 2008 at 15:20

Gratuity Accounting Entry

Hi mates,
this company i audit maintains a trust for the gratuity fund with LIC,can anyone pls brief me up on all the accounting entries to be passed while making:
1)annual payment to the fund
2)provision for gratuity payment
3)interest on gratuity fund(recvd)
4)insurance premium for gratuity
5)payment of Gratuity

i found out the following account heads in the tally prog. relating to gratuity
Insurance Premium gratuity, SBI gratuity(bank account), LIC of India, Interest on gratuity LIC deposit,SBI(main bank a/c),gratuity