17 December 2007 at 17:10

Salaries & audit

Dear sir

(i)Why the PF for workers is calculated on BASIC+DA Whereas it is calculated on BASIC for staffs?

(ii)Is PF applicable for foreigners?

(iii)Can anybody send me the slab rate for the calculation for PROFESSIONAL TAX AND FOR WHOM IT IS APPLICABLE?

(IV)For the sale of fixed asset ,which doc did the client need to produce for auditors clarification.

14 December 2007 at 13:21

E D P audit?

What is EDP audit?
How many types it is?
How it is performed?
How detect frauds & errors in EDP audit?

14 December 2007 at 11:33

interim audit repot

The reporting requirements for interim audit...

13 December 2007 at 12:49

Test Check

Respected Sirs,

Pls solved the below stated question.

Mention any four items which are not suitable for Test Check.?


13 December 2007 at 11:40

how to conduct an audit

i want detailed procedures to conduct audit of each kind of enterprise(e.g.manufacturing,trading etc.).

11 December 2007 at 09:06

Consolidated fund

What is consolidated fund of india ?
for which purpous it is used?

05 December 2007 at 16:43

Internal Audit

Dear All

Can Anybody get me a exhaustive format of internal audit report for a manufacturing company.

pawan lakhotia
03 December 2007 at 15:12

vouching of export units

pleasae tell me what care should be taken for checking sales of export unit.

03 December 2007 at 15:06

Payment of tax

For Certifying that the tax(any tax)has been remitted within the due date or not,whether we need to go by date of deposit of cheque or by date of clearance of cheque.i.e. whether is it sufficient that if i deposit cheque on or within due date or is it mandatory that the cheque has to be realized within the due date. please give case law references if any.

29 November 2007 at 10:44

sample of fixed assets register

can any one give me important ingredent of fixed assets registr?