How Discount will be treated for the purpose of transaction value calculation.... any one can explain me the same??
can you tell me the processure of CT3 as per my knowledge if we sell the goods in government declared exempted area. It is correct. Clearance under CT3 is the same processure which is mention as per direct export processure.
Can you send me the format of CT3.
Can send me the CT3 Format, what is provision for CT3 If we sell our goods in exempted area then only cT3 is applicable.
Which prequoation we should have taken under clearance under CT3.
This processure is seperate than our export processure .
Can send me the CT3 Format, what is provision for CT3 If we sell our goods in exempted area then only cT3 is applicable.
Which prequoation we should have taken under clearance under CT3.
This processure is seperate than our export processure .
Whether invoice under excise is required to be raised on consignment agent when the goods have been sent to him on consignment basis?
My client sends the goods to consignment agent but the property in goods in not transferred.
Can consignment agent raise another invoice under excise for goods which he does not own?
Hello Friends,
We have received some moulds Free of Cost from our overseas customer for supplying their components manufactured from their moulds. We have debited the custom duty paid by us on those moulds to that party. We have not taken any Cenvat Credit of CVD involved in those moulds.
Kindly clarify :
1) Whether we should account those moulds in our books since those moulds belongs to that party ?
2) And how should we send back those moulds to that party ? What will be the Excise and customs implications ?
One of my friend's company manufactures electrical goods whose turnover is about 90 lacs .They are manufacturing goods in their own registered brand and other brands. For their own brand goods clearance they pay no excise but for other brands, they pay full excise.
A company has approached them to manufacture goods in their brand XX for which an application has been filed with the trademark, but the brand is still not yet registered.They are willing to license/assign/NOC the brand XX to my friends company for manufacure of goods in XX brand.
Pls let me know whether is it possible to clear the goods for my friend in XX brand without payment of duty till 1.5 cr.?? If possible,Pls give some notification/judgements/circular or some suggested reading/web address for better understanding.
EOU is entitled to sell goods in DTA based on previous year performance by payment of duty. Whether a merchant exporter buy the goods as a DTA, export under DEPB and claim rebate of duty. If yes whether rebate amount includes customs duty portion also,
My company is in Chennai. I received one order from Bangalore but the material despatching place is Hyderabad. Is it possible to raise invoice from channai with ED & Sales tax against form 'C'. Is there any other formalities are there for taxation and road permits?
Dear ALL,
ThePGCIL Project was "Deemed Export Contract".So excise duty was not leviable subject to PGCIL(client) will arrange for Excise duty exemption certificate to avail "deemed export benefit".In this case manufacturer /Supplier is M/s Dura line and factory is based at Goa.The following procedural information is need urgently:
1. What is the procedure to get Excise or Custom Duty exemption and at what Stage.
2. Whether we should have these certificate in hand while selling goods.
3.Whether supplier get refund from these certifiacte or exemption.
4.What is status in deemed export case if original certificate is not available.
5. Is it possible to manufacture & supply goods on basis of photo copy of these Exemp-tion certificate and replaced on later date by origional certificate after disptach of matrial from factory.
Awaiting early response
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies
Discount during sale