Rajendra Rohit
06 September 2008 at 15:03

Procedure of Sub-Contractors

Please explain me a Procedure of Sub-Contractor and how to maintained a records related to Excise & Accounts and what are the forms are prepare and how to reconcile the quantity also.

Rakesh Pandya
06 September 2008 at 11:20


Dear All Members Can Any one Provide Me the Simple &Best Notes to Learn CENVAT.My Email ID rakeshu1986@gmail.com, raaj007@ymail.com
Thanks In Advance

santosh kumar
06 September 2008 at 11:17

cenvat credit

whether cenvat credit benefit will be avaibalble on pur. of oil , petrol & disel.

01 September 2008 at 18:20

Export Receipts

I am manufacturer. I have made export of goods. but i don't receive export proceeds within 6 months . what is the liability and whether it will affect my EPCG claim .

Krishna Murthy
31 August 2008 at 20:02

Excise Duty on Edible oils

Dear sir,

Is manufacture of edible oils liable for excise duty? Is there any exemption available for Edible oil frm excise duty

Amit Shah
30 August 2008 at 21:09

refund of CENVAT paid on Machinery

1) Dealer is a Pvt.Ltd. Co. engaged in producing automobile parts (both with material & on job-work basis). It sales major part of production to a EOU without levying CENVAT duty. And therefore it has CENVAT Credit balance of around Rs.12lakhs which is untilised since 2 years. And because of this fact now they are not taking credits of new machines purchased as they can at least claim depreciation on the duty for Income Tax purpose.

Whether we can claim this balance credit as refund and what procedure we should follow?

30 August 2008 at 17:11


Dear Sir,

Can you pls.explain what is CT1 and CT3 and the difference between this two.


Nitin G Haldikar
30 August 2008 at 16:06

CT3 Processure

I want to know that I am send by good to SEZ unit at what is processuer we have to obtain for same can u tell me that we ahve send good under nil rate of duty and after taking of CT3 ,waht is mean by CT3.
inthat area we have to make the ARE 1.

Nitin G Haldikar
30 August 2008 at 15:54

CT3 Processure

I want to know that I am send by good to SEZ unit at what is processuer we have to obtain for same can u tell me that we ahve send good under nil rate of duty and after taking of CT3 ,waht is mean by CT3.
inthat area we have to make the ARE 1.

lalit kumar gupta
30 August 2008 at 15:50

purchase from 100% EOU units

There is a provision under notification no. 43/2001 a exporter can purchase packing material under bond w/o paying excise duty. Can a exporter purchase packing material without payment of duty from 100% EOU units. EOU unit supply this material locally (i.e from gurgoan to U.P.)