Easy Office
LCI Learning

Gurvinder Singh
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18 April 2024 at 11:28

Details of expense


From where can I get the various main and sub heads of accounts.


Prabhu K
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Dear Experts,
Can any one tell me what is the Life of Resistance Welding Machine Rs. 2,954,070 for calculating depreciation.
Thank you

k chakraborty
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09 April 2024 at 03:46

Recording GRIPS transactions

GRIPS Over the counter payment takes transaction+2 days for confirmation in GRIPS portal, although bank got debited on the date of transaction itself. In this case what is the formal apporach to record the transaction as expense in the books of account of the firm? 1. on transaction date. 2. confirmation date.

Laya Mebin
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What will be the entry if a sole proprietor purchase a fixed asset for the firm with his Bajaj Finance card. Please advice

Yogendra Mishra
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Abc Company purchased goods from Supplier A & Payment made by Credit Card.
Than will be entry
Dr. Purchase A/c
Cr. Credit Card

But My Question is Credit card which under group

Kreatz Kreatz
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Proprietor Purchased a laptop using his bajaj Finance Card for his firm. and the EMI will deducted from his personal account. what will be the journal entry? and can avail the itc

Yogendra Mishra
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02 April 2024 at 22:59

How to record in tally

Company purchased goods worth ₹ 2000. And payment done by staff, not from the company's current account. Now tell me how to record in tally

Accounts Head
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Dear Experts,
Can a Limited company give unsecured loan? if yes
Can it give loan to Individuals / Pvt. Ltd. Companies / Directors ?

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01 April 2024 at 15:35



Manu Mittal
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01 April 2024 at 15:00

AS 10 (PPE)

cost of an item of property plant & equipment comprises:

the initial estimate of the cost of dismantling, removing the item and restoring the site on which it is located, referring to as decommissioning, restoration and similar liabilities; the obligation for which an Enterprise incurs either when the item is acquired or as a consequence of having used the item during a particular period for purposes other than to produce inventories during the period.

primarily explaination required from "or as a consequence......"

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