Praveen Kachhawa

In GST regime ITC allowed on demo cars for automobile dealer . ( car dealer )

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15 May 2018 at 20:54

Accounting entry

The Gross value of plant and machinery is Rs. 400000. As on 31st March 2009, the depreciation reserve of plant & machinery was Rs. 100000. Calculate depreciation as per SLM @ 10% and pass the journal entry as on 31st March 2010.

What will be Accounting Entry for this.??

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Mukesh Katara
15 May 2018 at 16:11

Icici rtgs format require in excel




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15 May 2018 at 14:48

Direct or indirect income

I am dealing in sale of tractor and spare parts. we charge labor charges separate in sale of spare bills.
what is the labor charges entry and it is our direct income or indirect income.

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08 May 2018 at 15:59


Does Year end provisions should include GST component? If yes, we can't take ITC without having invoice in GST...

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Sukhveer Singh
08 May 2018 at 12:45

Accounting treatment of transfer

If one company have unit 1 in Ludhaian other in HP. Unit 1 trf. machinery WDV Rs. 15,00,000/- trf to HP unit for Rs. 20,00,000/- under GST. Then unit 1 will book profit on sale of machinery and unit 2 will book the machinery at cost rs. 20,00,000/-. whether this treatment is coorect as per accounting ? please suggest

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06 May 2018 at 22:01


Hi everyone, While going through annual reports of some companies, i have noticed that the amount debited from profit and loss statement for provision of doubtful debts is less than the actual provision created( as seen as a deduction from trade receviables). I wanted to know what are the possible cases when such a thing can happen.


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05 May 2018 at 18:25


In tally schools account admission fee and other fees should be enter in which voucher,
I firstly entered it in sales voucher and when payment received I pass in receipt voucher. But when i take admission fees as direct income in ledger this entry is not pass in sales voucher that should i do.

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02 May 2018 at 17:11

Shortage & surplus of stock

Dear Sir,

I am a Whole seller trader. i purchased material and sale to different dealers. sometimes when i sold material some damaged part stands in my books and i transferred it to shortage & Surplus. but his Quantity remain stands and now he is increasing. So, i want to know about that can i book a loss in Profit and loss account for it?

is it possible or not?

if yes....

Then please clear the matter how can i treat this loss in my books. also suggest the entry.

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27 April 2018 at 08:29

Gst id

Hello dear Expert I got GST Practitioner user id or password but when I'm trying to open it message shows that user Id or password is invalid so what should I do

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