Easy Office
LCI Learning

15 June 2023 at 14:13

Cheque issued on 31st March 23

Cheque issued on 31st March 23 Rs. 25,00,000 But Cleared on 10th April 2023.
I made entry on 31st March
Party A/c Dr. 25,00,000
to Bank Account 25,00,0000
But on 31st March 2023 Bank Balance as per my Books and bank statement is difference Rs. 25,00,000.
How to remove This differences .


when Profit is earned by the company on 31st March 2023
There are three partners A,B and C and their profit ratio is 30:30:40 and Total profit is Rs. 10 Lakh
My question is that how to Books Journal entry in Firm Books and partners Books.
For Partners Book
P/L A/c Dr 10,00,000
To A Capital A/c 3,00,000
To B Capital A/c 3,00,000
To C Capital A/c 4,00,000
My question is that what entry should be passed in the books of Partners Capital account on 31st March 2023.

Mucchukotla Nagaraju
20 June 2023 at 15:43

Chit account entries

I have a small doubt that is I have a one small chit business partnership firm is there and my all customers very old so in this case am trying to given some amount (i.e like interest)transfer who are not participated auction chit. so the given amount which head is treated as expenditure in my chit business but TDS is not applicable. So please suggest expenditure head or name .
and also some customers are not clear chit balance so the amount treated has bad debts if its right
how much amount maximum allowed in the year .Thank you.

14 June 2023 at 15:51


Please suggest the latest format of schedule 3 for AY 2023-2024.

Dhruv Gor

Hello, I had a query that one person earning only rental income has a security deposit of the same from licensee. The rent agreement is of 11months 29 days. She only has NRO interest income and rent as her source of income. While the fact remains that the licensor has given a lot of time and effort for this agreement, so I personally think that the rent agreement may even get renewed. So, in such a case how do we classify the security deposit on rent.


what would be the journal entry of Right ratio received of 96 shares on dated 12-04-2022 from Asian Grantion.
And what will be the cost of shares received.


Asian Granito Opening share on 1st April 2022 78
Asian Granito Right ratio is 37:30 ( 78*37/30) 96
Total shares 174 sale of shares 96
Closing stock on 31st March 78 Units
How to make Journal entry of Right share received record date is 12-04-2022.


Asian Granito Opening share on 1st April 2022 78
Asian Granito Right ratio is 37:30 ( 78*37/30) 96
Total shares 174
sale of shares 96
Closing stock on 31st March 78 Unis
How to make Journal entry of Right share received record date is 12-04-2022.

12 June 2023 at 17:54

Goods in transit part of stock

whether Goods in transit part of inventories .
and whether there will be no effect in profit and loss account.

12 June 2023 at 17:51

Goods in transit on 31st March 23

on 31st March 23 Goods was in Transit ,
My question is that how to book entry of Goods in transit , when Goods received .
And GST Input when to take .

Answer Query