can you tell me a good system for local TA reimbursment for field staffs
when a gratuity fund trust receives certain amount of money from the company towards opening a bank account what should be the treatment in R & P account, & Balance sheet? if interest is received on the said amount and if the amount received appears in the balance sheet should it be added to the fund?
whether the amount received is a capital receipt or revenue ? it is a non refundablable amount so.. isn't it a capital receipt?
i have a creditors which not claim his amount last 5 years so his liability written back & shown my income. now he come my office & demand his money. what can i treat this situation in my books ?
Can some body guide me about 145A statement
(a) how to give treatement while calcuating the income tax for the company
(b) under what cicumsatance it should add and deduct from the profit.
(c) what are the items like Excise, VAT etc apart from the above to be added in the statement.
(d) if any body has excel file with practical example how to calculate the 145a and how to give effect in the income tax cacluation
Can someone help me out with the calculation of deferred tax.If someone could help me out in preparation of deferred Tax sheet with formulae in Excel?
I am working to make Accounting Manual Prepration.
Can i get some draft of the same, so that i can get some help.
Manoj Sharma
Local TA re-imbursment