Rajpreet Singh
07 July 2008 at 11:02

Accounting Standard 15

Dear sir can u tell when AS 15 was revised which is applicable for this financial year

06 July 2008 at 22:55

how to study pcc portion of accounts

i got my leave from my firm & i want to start studying accounts..
i want to know how can i proceed to start studying accounts..
i m really confused about it..

06 July 2008 at 13:31

Accounting Standard 22

As per INCOMETAX tax liability is Rs.154855/-. As Per Provision of MAT tax Calulated is Rs.345945/-.

So We have to Pay as per MAT Rs.354855/-. So MAT credit available is Rs.191090/-(345945-1548550)in next year.
at present DTL Balance is Rs.548458/- before considering MAT.

Is any way MAT affect the DTL?


06 July 2008 at 13:16

Accounting Standered - 22

one car is sold and there is no other vehicle in this block.

As per Income Tax there is Capital Gain Of Rs. 185444/-.
As per Books of Accounts there is Loss on Sale of Rs.145788/-.

Deffered Tax Liability regarding Total Fixed Assets already exist in the books
of Rs.895485/-.

Current year Depreciation as per A/C is 2500255/- while as per IT is 1955235/-.

How the Gain /Loss on Sale is treated in Deferred Taxation?


Kumar Babu.G
06 July 2008 at 12:07

deferred tax liability

1st year:
Profit as per books:Rs.9715
depreciation as per books:72740
dep as per IT act:294324
diff is 221584
deferred tax liability @30.99% - 68669
2nd year:
DTL opening balance;68669
profit as per book:10054
dep as per books:72740
dep as per IT act:254355
DTL@30.99% 56282/-
DTL Closing balance- 124951

we will generally debit p/l a/c &credit DTL a/c in the year of OTD ,from which year we will write back the DTL &how much amount?i.e., what is the year of RTD?

amit kumar

I want to know the answer for the following question

Suppose 1 machinery amounting to rs. 100000 has been purchased on 01.01.2002 and the W.D.V of the machinery on 31.03.2008 is Rs. 40000 and now this machinery is being sold for Rs. 150000.

Someone says that Rs. 50000 is a capital profit and Rs. 60000 is revenue profit whereas sopmeone contends that Rs. 110000 is a revenue profit . the clarification given by them is that nothing has beemn specified in As-10 that there is capital profit above the historical cost . however one of the expert said that it has also been held by the institute in the journal of june 2000.(copy of journal is not available to me so i am not able to verify the same)

05 July 2008 at 09:29

Managing "DSO"

A job advertisment for the post of CFO says he should manage DSO( Days Payables Outstanding ).

My question is:

What does managing DSO involve? Is it any different from looking after the payables of the company?


05 July 2008 at 09:11

Letter of Credit

Please let me know:

When Letter of credit is opened in favour of Seller by the company

1) what accounting entry needs to be passed?

2)What disclosures are to be made in notes to accounts?

Please answer questionwise.Thanks.

05 July 2008 at 09:06

Bank Guarantee

Please let me know:

When Bank Guarantee is given on companies' behalf

1) what accounting entry needs to be passed?

2)What disclosures are to be made in notes to accounts?

Please answer questionwise.Thanks.

Piyush Agarwal
04 July 2008 at 17:55

Accounting Treatment

MrAXZ co. received goods on 30.03.2008 but received invoice only on 25.04.08.
How should the liability be recorded?
Should we create a liability in the name of the creditor or park in the deferred account?