10 July 2008 at 14:36

Puchase of Batery


I have purchased the Batery for Rs.8000, so it is required to book the purchase in the expenditure head or fixed assets head.
Please clarify sir.

Thanks sir.

10 July 2008 at 12:33

Consolidation of Foreign Subsidiary

I have to consolidate a foreign subsidiary (Intregal Foreign Operation). For this, first i have translated trial balance of foreign subsidiary into reporting currancy and got Dr/Cr diff.as "Foreign Currancy Translation".

I have to ask whether this diff. should be chaged to P/L or shown separately in B/S (as "Foreign Currancy Translation Reserve") or any other treatment. Which AS will cover this aspect (AS-11 / AS-21).

Pls suggest..

Vishnu Agarwal
10 July 2008 at 12:27

relating to accounts

When to prepare P&L appropriation A/c ?

pradeep gupta

Can any body tell me whether increase in authorised capital is preliminary exp or share issue exp? whether such classification will make any difference?

Also please tell me about writting off the preliminary exp & pre-operative exp. I am bit confused because as per AS 26 & Guidence note on Misc Exp it is to be written of in year in which incurred & as per judgement of some experts it can be written off as 1/5.

10 July 2008 at 11:13

Deffered tax liability

Please tell me the accounting treatment of deffered tax liability.

10 July 2008 at 10:43


Can u plz. explain difference between ammortisation of assets and impairment of assets.


In case of an educational Institution a development fund is created and it can be used for purchase of a machinery. The credit balance in the development fund is represented by an equal debit balance in a separate bank balance.

A machine has been purchased. The normal accounting entry would be, debit fixed asset and credit bank account.Now the question arises how to reduce the Development fund ledger balance as bank balance has already reduced due to payment made for purchase of a machine.

so query is:

If we debit Development Fund, which account is to be credited.

09 July 2008 at 14:55


A service unit recieves back certain inventory but which is not the intended one.
So we need to block the said transaction from payment in Oracle.
I believe revenue cannot be reversed.
What accounting entry should be passed for invetory receipt such that customer balance is not increased.

09 July 2008 at 12:28

Debit Note and Credit Note


What is Concept of Debit Note and Credit Note. I am confused that if I Check the Purchase and see the party has been debited so, i requied debit note or Credit Note and panic created in sales.


Himani Vaish

1.As per AS compendium only AS 1,4,6,7& 10 are compulsary .Whether other AS are mandatory on the basis of scope specified in them?

2.Whether AS other than mandatory are applcable to Charitable organisation.?
As per AS Compendium AS are applicable to enterprise but it does not talk about the objective of enterprise.Hence,even if a charitable organisation carried on a business activity it is not exempted from AS.BUT WHETHER AS OTHER THAN MANDATORY LIKE AS 15,19 ,29 ARE APLLICABLE TO SUCH ORGANISATION