manish bhatia

Can somebody help me how the Joint venture accounting is done in petroleum, oil and gas exploration and producing companies. For eg. RIL, ONGC, OIL etc? What is the procedure followed for getting PSC {Production Sharing Contract}? How the return is filled with DGH (Directore General of Hydrocarbons) and what are the documents has to be submitted ? Please help.

Aneesh Nair
14 July 2008 at 13:05

loan instalments of Director

i just want to know that one of my Director of my company purchased vehicle on his personal name and his instalments is coming in companies account so where will this ledger grouped, if its in the name of company it will under secured loan please clary my both quries

14 July 2008 at 11:47

Applicability of IFRS, GAAP and IAS

Is all Applicable( IFRS, GAAP and IAS )
from 2010-11, I heared only GAAP and IAS is applicable... Is that true..Please inform me which among these are comming compulsory....

14 July 2008 at 07:34

Meaning - "Devolving of LCs"

Recently I read that:

Study of Bank statment with its reconciliation with books of accounts gives an idea about "Incidence of devolving of LCs".

Please let me know the meaning of "Devolving of LC.s"

Sushant Panigrahi

Bank Had credited our account with interest twice on 31.03.2008, which was reversed on 01.04.2008, what will be the accounting treatment as interest received will be shown in books.
1)Should i show the interest amount as per bank or i should treat it as an extraordinary items as per AS 5


How to show the following in the books of a company which had paid advance for purchase of Flats for its employees.

Advance given to a Developer for Purchase of flat.

Delivery after three years.
Advance, plus milestone payment involved.
The buyer has entered into an agreement.
We can not take the asset as the same is not complete.
There is a liability to pay the contract value.
Notes under capital contract not executed ??

Is it need any disclosure as required by AS-1

12 July 2008 at 15:37

TDS on Export Commission

Please guide us there is required to deduct TDS from Export Commission, that we pay to our foreign agents in foreign currency ?

11 July 2008 at 23:27

ageing of debtor

respected sir/mam,
i wud like to know about the calculation part and the base of ageing of debtor.


11 July 2008 at 23:09


please guide Balansheet finalisation

11 July 2008 at 19:53

need help

in a internal reconstruction what is the meaning of continngent liabilities . & why we write off goodwill as it is not a fictious assets , it is a intangible assets .in a reconstruction account there is any credit side balance . if this situation is satisfied so where we t/f the balance capital reserve or any other account