Sarad K.Pandey
19 July 2008 at 17:33

Doller Rates

Can any one please tell me about site from where TT buying & selling rates of USD to INR for each day of F.Y.2007-08 be seen to comply with A.S.11.

19 July 2008 at 15:05

Accounting Standard - 26

whether preliminary expenses should be written off within one year or it canbe written off for the period of 5 years?

19 July 2008 at 14:52

Journal Entry


in my privious query i asked about the journal entry of provision for current year when i will make the provision for fbt and taxes

19 July 2008 at 12:35

Previous year provision

Goood Morning Sir,

When we maked Balnace Sheet as on 31.03.2007, we have provided the provision for taxation and provison for FBT.
Now, next year shows in the trial balance as a opening balance, so you requested to guide me that in current year how should it adjusted and and what will be the entry in current year for provision of taxation and fbt
Pleas reply us as early as possible


manoj agrahari
19 July 2008 at 12:28

consignment sale

1- What is consignment sale.

2- which form use in consignment sale FROM Deldi to U.P.

Pranav Vyas
19 July 2008 at 10:34

Accounting for Commission

A company is getting commission from a manufacturing & Trading company for selling their goods in market.

But bills are in the name of Manufacturer or Trader whose goods are being sold.

So on what basis will the company getting commission account its transactions?
1)Company is not having any sales on its own name.
2)What will be audit evidence for auditors.
3)How will the company show its income for tax purpose.
4)What papers can be shown in case of Scrutiny.

Pls help me out!!!!

CPA Partha Sengupta
19 July 2008 at 00:41

Accounting Treatment

Hi all,

Please help me with a correct Journal Entry. Suppose, a Co. has a Development Fund and it wants to purchase some Fixed Asset utilising the said fund. It has a particular Bank A/c (say D.Fund Bank A/c) which represents the D.Fund Value. Now, I think-
Fixed Asset A/c is to be Debited & D.Fund Bank A/c is to be Credited (Current Asset is converting into Fixed Asset)
Again, Development Fund A/c is required to be Debited because of its utilisation (Fund gives Cr. Balance) then which A/c should be credited in this case under Double Entry System of Accounting.

Kindly reply

Thanks in advance

18 July 2008 at 20:46

TDS certificate of last year

If a company gets a TDS certificate releated to previous year i.e. f.y. 2006-07, the income of that certificate not booked in f.y. 2006-07, can company booked the income in f.y. 2007-08 as prior period income and claim the tdS certificate, pl solve the query at most urgent.

Harshit Dhupia
18 July 2008 at 17:04

Cash Flow Statement

What should be the treatment given to Bad Debts Reserve, when bad debts are more than the provision made against given in notes to the question of Cash flow statement ?


Hi All tell me the difference between net profit and consolidated net profit