CA Jithesh C

Is there any issue for monthly reinstatement of foreign debtors (foreign exchange gain or loss is recognising monthly)

23 August 2008 at 20:45

Wrong Credited

Dear Sir,i am working as a account assistant in shilpa antibiotic ltd
bangalore. my problem is in july month we issued a cheque on 15.7.08
of Rs 50000 to bank manager to issues dd in favor "X" a/c by mistake but
it had credited to some y a/c Rs 50000 on 16.7.08 after complained
to manager on 18.7.08 y had credited to our a/c back Rs 50000 i have
allredy debited in cash book in the name of x on 15.7.08 but in the
pass book it is Debited rs 50000 on 16.7.08 and again on 18.7.08 it
is credited so what should i do shall i take how it is shon
the pass book or any addjustment in the journal plz solve it by
showing entery i will be very thankfull

23 August 2008 at 20:42

Advance Addjustment

Plese Help i am working in Sarva shiksha abhiyan as Asst accountant
my query is hear advance amount will be taken for organising workshops
meetings etc its ok i am taking in cash book as adv in the name of who
will take adv on date when they will take adv again after 10 days they
will give the details of adv taken then they tell strike out name how
shuld i must enter in the cash book and in journal what head i must debit on adv
taken and when they will give details plz help give detail entery
as example


plz tell which book is best for accounts and how should i prepare for Accountancy subject???????????

23 August 2008 at 11:52

AS 9 - Preoperative expenses

I had asked a query here couple of days back - which AS or guidance note deals with the accounting treatment of pre-operative expenses?

I got the reply - AS9

I went through AS 9 which deals with Revenue recognition BUT could not find anything related to pre-operative expenses.

I request someone to please let me know the para number in the said AS which deals with Pre-operative expenses.


Vishnu Agarwal
23 August 2008 at 11:50

relating to deffered payment

what is the meaning of deffered payment?

Vishnu Agarwal
23 August 2008 at 11:43

relating to ECS

What is the full form of ECS ?

Vishnu Agarwal
23 August 2008 at 11:41

relating to Form no. 112

There is rumours that Form 112 has been scraped.It is right or wrong.

elango rk
23 August 2008 at 10:32

TDS can it be claimable?

Dear Sirs/friends,

Wishing you a very Good day.

In our Private Ltd Coy, for the F/Y: 2004-05, We deducted an amount of Rs.95,546/- as TDS and we issued Form-16A to the Deductees.

The above liability paid in the foll.F/Y: 2005-06 on 25.05.2005 vide UBI Che.no: 721695.

In the mean time our office staff wrongly paid an amount of Rs.93,378/- on 31.05.2005 vide UBI che.No: 721700.

For the above Rs.93,378/- we have not issued any Form-16A to any body.

Hence, in my opinion it should be treated as an unclaimed tax, deposited paid by us.

We’re keeping that debit amount in our Balance Sheet under the ledger head “ TDS-Debit” for the past F/Y’s: 2005-06,2006-07,2007-08.

Now as a final decision we want to know why it not claimable & how it should be written-off in this f/y: 2008-09.

Kindly share your expert knowledge with us to enable us to save the above unclaimed amount.

Rajaram c Iyer

Dear Experts,

Please tell me whether accounts for the Contributory Provident Fund has to be maintained separately or can it be shown in the Main Balance sheet.

What is the exact rule position? Please give me the rule position.
