
Dear all

I have to calculate Debt/Equity ratio and Return on Equity for a co-operative. There are many funds in the balance sheet like education fund, advertisement fund, development fund, capital contribution fund,reserve fund, depreciation fund etc. what is the value of equity while doing Debt/Equity and the value of equity while calculating ROE? Can I include all these funds in net worth. Please help me.

Shyam Murarka

it has been heard that provisions under section 270 (1B) related to same management company has been deleted by Company's (Amendment) Act 2000...
but whether this will effect the criteria on disclosure of Schedule VI to show in loans & advances and Investments, as same management company (if exists)..and how that can be well determined?

shiva ramanjeneyulu
29 August 2008 at 11:13

Reserves Utilisations

I require small clarification

1)when there is a capital reserve in the balance sheet it entity may be desired to take any capital asset

Then accounting treatment for that is

asset a/c dr
to bank

and any accounting treatment for capital reserve

2)when the reserve is utilised for any purpose thing is that Ivestment is made in an entity

What will be the accounting treatment for reserve

28 August 2008 at 18:55

Accounting For Tools and Dyes

Hello Friends
I want to know the accounting of tools and dyes that whether they are to be treated as Fixed assets or consumabels and what treatment they are to be given in accounts

Ishan Bedi
28 August 2008 at 18:22

CApitalisation of Expenditure

A company for its expansion purpose inagurates its branch (Manufacturing Unit) in the mid F.Y. 07-08 in other state, where the company incurs all the revenue expenses (viz. Car Expenses, Electric Charges, Flat Rent, General Exp., Staff Welafre, Postage & Stamp, Printing & Stationery, Professional Fees, Telephone & Traveling Expenses) and till the F.Y. 2007-08 production is also not started. All the abovementioned Expenses are directly attributable to such Branch, Can these expenses be Capitalised and added to the cost of the Project, Can these be recognised as pre-operative expenses and added to the work in progress?

28 August 2008 at 15:03

cash p[ayment inn excess of 5000

Does payment of Tour advance in excess of 5000 require affixing of revanue stamp.

28 August 2008 at 14:54

cash payment in excess of 5000

Does Tour advance to employee in excess Rs 5000 in cash require fixing of Revenue stamp?

CA supriyo saha
28 August 2008 at 14:27

Accounting standard

When machinery spares which is used in connection with an item of asset and its use is irregular should it be charged to P/L ?

Anil Kumar Kedia

My question is that : one main contractor firm A has taken a contract from Govt department and the A firm has awarded the same contract to ther sub-contactor firm B on the same terms & condition on a certaing percentage of margin. Accourding to this sub-contact agreement all taxes and durties is deducted by Govt department from the bill of main contractor firm A and firm A is reimbusing this taxes from Sub-contractor firm B . Then my quesstion is that : what accounting entry will be passed in the books of contractor firm A and subcontract firm B . My mean to say that subcontract will debit the taxes account or other account because if taxes account is debited but subcontract firm A has not paid directly to Govt . please clearify.

Anil Kumar Kedia

My question is that : one main contractor firm A has taken a contract from Govt department and the A firm has awarded the same contract to ther sub-contactor firm B on the same terms & condition on a certaing percentage of margin. Accourding to this sub-contact agreement all taxes and durties is deducted by Govt department from the bill of main contractor firm A and firm A is reimbusing this taxes from Sub-contractor firm B . Then my quesstion is that : what accounting entry will be passed in the books of contractor firm A and subcontract firm B . My mean to say that subcontract will debit the taxes account or other account because if taxes account is debited but subcontract firm A has not paid directly to Govt . please clearify.