Easy Office
LCI Learning

13 October 2023 at 20:33

Treatment of Provision for depreciation

what is accounting journal entry of provision for depreciation and also accounting group of provision for depreciation.
why provision for depreciation is created instead of Depreciation.
Company why creates provision for depreciation.


How to present changes in inventories in profit and loss account according to scheduled III
In the case of Negative figure.


how to present Loss or profit in Balance sheet
Loss treatment
Profit Treatment

13 October 2023 at 19:19

Employee Benefit expenses scheduled III

Employee benefit expenses according to scheduled III
which type of expenses shown in scheduled III under employee benefit expenses.

13 October 2023 at 19:07

Finance cost in Profit and loss account

whether any type of interest paid
Like Interest on loan
interest on delay payment of tax
should be shown under Finance cost.

13 October 2023 at 18:45

Costing p&l account

hello,Under which head is abnormal loss shown in costing p&l account?

13 October 2023 at 13:02

Profit transfer to partners

How profit transfer among partner
Profit after tax or Profit before tax.

Swati Deshmukh

I had purchased Yen from Forex company and Give it to our director for visit to Japan. Now he will return me Balance Yen with his expenses details. Please guide for the accounting entries for all the steps as mentioned above.

12 October 2023 at 21:06

Ratio-Total Debt to Total Net Worth

While calculating Total Debt to Total Net Worth ratio how to arrive Total debt.

11 October 2023 at 12:38

Sale with other expenditure ratios

can you please clarify the ratios of total sales vs purchase and other expenditure(direct, indirect expenditure and employee benefits)

Answer Query