Are the companies forced to adopt this standard or is it optional ?
I mean if a particular borrowing cost qualify to be capitalized, can the company charge it to P&L A/c (thereby reducing the profit)? Or is it forced to capitalize it compulsorily (profit will increase then)?
Dear friends,
Could anyone tell me,How to account the Bonus Share in the books of Investor?
Historical cost of asset Rs 100
Written down value Rs 75
Sold the assets at Rs 150. That means profit of 75 Rs.
I heard that out of this 75 Rs profit, 25 Rs will be credited to P&L A/c and 50 Rs will be transferred to capital reserve. Is this treatment correct?
If yes, under which AS/ASI can I read about this treatment method?
A fixed asset with historical cost of Rs 150 & WDV of Rs 100 have been revalued Rs 150 and accordingly revaluation reserve of Rs 50 has been created.
Lets assume, the asset is subsequently sold for
Situation A for Rs 175
Situation B for Rs 120
What will the accounting entry and finally where will be balance in revaluation reserve be transfered?
If an old Fixed asset (WDV - Rs 5000) exchanged for new machinery (fair market value - Rs 10000)
What will be the accounting treatment?
What if the recharge cards are purchased for Rs.100 and also sold for Rs.100 but the Company whose cards are sold, gives the dealer commission separately?
What if the recharge cards are purchased for Rs.100 and also sold for Rs.100 but the Company whose cards are sold, gives the dealer commission separately?
Could you explain the difference between advanace recoverable in cash or kind and current assets as per schedule VI of companies act.
Could you explain the difference between advance recoverable in cash or kind and current assets with items that are included in cr=urrent assets and advance as per schedule VI of companies act.
AS16 Borrowing Cost