Dear All,
Following is my query-
If we have recieved Inward remittance from abroad for Invoice raised against software dev. activity, then in accounts how will be the treatment as far as currency conversion is concerned.
1. The date on which we receive amount in EEFC account
2. The date on which we convert the currency in INR
3. The Date on which we book the invoice.
Please let me know how and what will be the entires taking into consideration the exchange fluctuation gain or loss?
how can we calculate deffered tax liability
for company?
In computing profit of non profit organizations, the following adjustments is making me confused can any one please help me?
On receipt side- sale of furniture on 30.9.99 is 9000
payment side- furniture purchased on 1.10.99-5000
Additional information:-
Book value of furniture sold as on 1.4.99 was 12000. Depreciation is 20%p.a.
Sir, by book value we mean after adjusting depreciation is int? then how is it given that depreciation is 1200 and 500? then loss on sale of furniture as 1800.
Can you please help me Sir? Also can you tell me how will it be shown in balance sheet ? Please help sir.
After feeding the entries or items under perticular units of measurement in Tally package how to change the units of measurement without deleting of earlier feeding entries or items.
Plz give solution to above
if a company dig a pond for handling of ash what should be treatment of this expenditure wether it should be capitalized or charged to revenue. huge amount is involved.
Can anyone t'emme what does Swap Contract, Forward Contract, Future Contract & Option Contract mean in detail plz!! I actually came across these terms while working out Cash Flow Statements..
sir i m on audit of IOCL, they are capitalising insurance spares.As we know insurance spares needs to be written off during the life of asset to which it belongs,this means dep will be charged retrospectively, but i have a problem that what should be done with the depreciation which relates to previous years.will it be treated as a prior period expense in the P&L?
If PF is applicable on Leave Encashment, if yes in which cases?
Exchange Fluctuation Gain or Loss