Easy Office
LCI Learning

29 October 2023 at 13:51

Is overtime part of salary and wages

is overtime part of salary and wages.
Is bonus grouped under salaey.


what is ageing schedule for trade receivable and trade payable according to scheduled III of balance sheet.

29 October 2023 at 13:40

GST Input Registger

can I make GST Input register monthly in this way

Sales 1000
Add Debit Note 100
Add GST Payable RCM 200
Sub Total 1300
Less Credit Note 50
Sub Total 1250
Less GST Input 500
GST Input RCM 200 700
Net payable by Cash 700
Is correct process

27 October 2023 at 17:08

Prepaid expenses Like insurance etc

Prepaid expenses Like insurance when should be capitalized and when not should be capitalized, is any criteria .


can i pass
when take services and purchased Goods
CWIP A/c Dr ( Under Group) Fixed assets
To Vendor ( Under Non Current assets)
when it transferred to fixed assets
Fixed assets ( Building / Plant and Machinery)
Is correct process to transfer it.


Insurance exp. paid regarding insurance of car ,
my question is that insurance exp. should be added to cost of car and charge depreciation and second time onwards insurance exp.
should be divided between two Financial years and charges to P/L account when expenses related to 2 Financial years.



I have one query regarding accounting entry of Sales Bill and Purchase Book. Company maintains books of account in multiple currency i.e INR, USD, Euro etc.

Company charged IGST tax on Sales to Foreign Customer and this IGST not to be paid by Customer because company has to pay IGST Tax. Company passes Journal entry for removing/adjust Forex gain or loss by debiting in INR currency and crediting Foreign Currency!!!

My question is that can it is correct accounting entry debiting in INR and Crediting in Foreign currency?? After passing above entry Forex gain or loss adjusted in Customer Account. thanks

20 November 2023 at 17:10

Accounting Entry for Sales & Purchase


I have one query regarding accounting entry of Sales Bill and Purchase Book.

Company maintain books of account in multiple currency i.e INR,USD,Euro etc. Company charged IGST tax on Sales to Foreign Customer and this IGST not to be paid by Customer because company has to pay IGST Tax.

Company pass Journal entry for removing/adjust Forex gain or loss by debiting in INR currency and crediting Foreign Currency!!!

My question is that can it is correct accounting entry debiting in INR and Crediting in Foreign currency??

After passing above entry Forex gain or loss adjusted in Customer Account.


suryadipsinh mori
27 October 2023 at 12:43

Partnership firm final accounts

Anyone please provide me p&l, p&l apr ac, b/s format for partnership firm

Abhijeet Prasad

how to calculate net worth attributable to shareholding in aoc-1

Answer Query