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LCI Learning

26 January 2024 at 22:52

Reserve and Surplus Balance

Reserves & Surplus Rs. xxx
1. Profit before depreciation and tax (PBDT) Rs. 200
2. Depreciation Rs. 150
3. Profit before Tax Rs. 50
4. Profit after Tax Rs. 40
A) Which of this above four items will be added in Reserve and Surplus ??
B) Why??

Aadish Jain
26 January 2024 at 17:29

Gain/Loss on Actuarial Valuation

Dear Sir/Madam
Please guide me on below issues :-

1. What is the Accounting Treatment of Gain/Loss on Defined Benefit Plans (Actuarial Valuation). Please provide accounting entries with nature of Account i.e. Balance Sheet item or P&L item

2. What is the treatment of OCI in calculation of MAT or Deferred Tax Assets / Deferred Tax Liability

k chakraborty
26 January 2024 at 12:12

AS7 uncollectable recognised revenue.

As per AS7 of ICAI: When an uncertainty arises about the collectability of an amount already included in contract revenue, and already recognised in the statement of profit and loss, the uncollectable amount or the amount in respect of which recovery has ceased to be probable is recognised as an expense rather than as an adjustment of the amount of contract revenue.

Now my questions are:
1. how should i classify(group) this expense? does it fall under direct or indirect expense. please note that the uncollectability arises due to final measurement and not a bad debt situation.
2. Incase the revenue is recognised during mid year reconstiution of firm should i follow the above guidelines if the adjustment is to be done in the same accounting year?
Example: the construction contract was taken up during april 2023. Reconstitution of firm happens on Dec,2023 and at that time the initial contract amount was recognised as revenue, now the work finished on Jan., 2024 itself and during final measurement slight variation in amount is noticed and that necessitate an adjustment of recognised revenue. Now given that this whole thing is happening in the same accounting year and year end profit and loss is not prepared yet, but mid year p&l due to reconstitution was prepared, shouldi i follow the Accounting guideline qouted above and recognise the uncollectable amount as expense or adjustment of revenue is permitted? if expense need to be recognised, will it be a direct expense or indirect?

Mohit Pathak

A Startup company issued 1000 ESOP @ 10 per share (face value) to its employees. The company went into acquisition and the acquirer bought all the ESOP at market price say 100 per share. The Acquiring company booked it as "Investment in the Startup" with the price paid i.e. 1000 x 100 = 1,00,000, however, in Startup's books the amount is standing as 100 x 10 = 10,000.
Now when the company is trying to consolidate the books there is a difference of 90000.

How should the Startup incorporate the transaction between the Acquiring company and Shareholders (employees holding ESOP) to match the investment amount as standing in Acquiring company's books of account.\?

Suraj Mishra
23 January 2024 at 15:28

Account Head for Publication charges

We conducted one study of Engineering Services and our study paper was published in one of e-Journal. We paid for publication charges. What will be the Account Head for Publication charges?

Deepak Gupta

I have purchased a Tool/Die for production of Customer parts. Normally Customer is paying the cost of Tool upfront and it is property of Customer.
Here Customer is paying Tool/Die cost via amortisation in part price ( i.e., Cost of Tool Rs 10 Lacs, Part price settled Rs 10/Pcs, Tool cost amortised on 10 Lacs parts as Rs 1 per part, Customer PO of parts sale now Rs 10 +1 = 11/- till 10 Lacs parts). Tool ownership will be Customer only as he is paying the cost.

Please suggest the accounting of the same.


If a school has incurred expenditure on photography on various functions such as annual function, some event. some promotional work etc then under which head it will be debited ? Please inform.

Pavan Kumar
17 January 2024 at 13:04

Opening of cooperative society account

One co-operative society registered under karnataka co-operative society act 1959

Is it mandatory to obtain permission from co-operative department for opening the account in a nationalised bank?

16 January 2024 at 21:58

Cash flow statement presentation

What are the treatments of prepayment and advance payment in cash flow statements for the entity under IFRS? and what about the presentation in the balance sheet under IFRS? Also considers another set of FS.

James Henry

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