Books for Ca final

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18 January 2017 I want to know about the paduka books ... what contents cover in that it sufficient for prepration ??

19 January 2017 Padhuka publications has books available for all the eight papers. These are Question and answer type format. It also covers questions from Past Examinations, MTP, RTP etc. Also have summary of contents in the form of ready referencer in some subjects like Direct Tax etc.

19 January 2017 These books are comprehensive and sufficient, you need to dedicate appropriate time to cover the syllabus.

19 January 2017 ok thankyou....

19 January 2017 You are most welcome and best of luck for your preparation.

20 January 2017 n want to know for which subject paduka is suitable for study...

24 January 2017 Padhuka is famous for subjects such as Auditing, Advanced Management Accounting and Direct Tax Laws, though they have books published for all the subjects.

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