Board resolution for opening an office as commercial office

This query is : Resolved 

18 June 2013 kindly somebody provide me a Draft Resolution for opening an office as commercial office

18 June 2013 Please find a draft resolution and make changes accordingly:


The Chairman informed the Board that for the expansion of business of the Company in other states, it was proposed to open a Commercial ofice at ......, Banglore-560025, Karnatka. The matter was discussed and after some discussion the proposal of the Company was approved. In this connection the following resolution was passed:

“RESOLVED THAT the company do open a Commercial office at ........., Banglore-560025, Karnatka for operation of business in and around State of Karnatka and Mr. ........., Director or Mr. ......., Authorised Representative of the Company be and are hereby authorised to take all action as may be necessary in this regard.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT to do and execute all such acts, deeds or things as the Attorneys may think fit or necessary and/or incidental to the above purposes including any legal proceedings. and acts done beyond the scope of powers granted in this Resolution shall not bind the Company against any third parties or before any authorities in any manner and that the Board shall not be answerable in that behalf.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT a copy of this Resolution duly certified by any of the Directors of the Company be furnished to anyone concerned or interested in the matter.”

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