Bills on the name / Adress of the Holding Co.

This query is : Resolved 

31 March 2009 X is a private limited company. It's holding compnay(80% holding) is in mumbai and mumbai. Some contracts are entered by holding compnay for them and also entered into contracts for X . Becuase the contracts entered by the holding compnay the bills are raised either on the name of the holding compnay or on the name of x but the address is the address of the holding compnay where X has no official address. But all the services /contracts are for the benefit of X and used by X. In this case, can x takes this as its expenditure and can make TDS payment, though the bill is not it's name or address is not corrrect.

31 March 2009 Dear Ravi,
Can you make your question more clear and preciseful. Its resulting in two contradict statement.

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