Best International Qualification to pursue along with CA

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28 March 2008 Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Anu, CA finalist. My exams are due in May2010 and I will finish articleship in Oct10.

1) Please tell me which international qualifications exist which can be pusued from India itself and are valued in the market. I can give few examples i.e. CIMA, ACCA, CPA, CISA, you can always tell me more. What are the prons and cons of each one...which one would be best for me professionally?

2) Kindly tell me the few professional/monetary valuable best fields to concentrate upon during my studies so that after completion of course, I take a job in that field..say investment banking or ......

Actually I want 2 qualification .. one is CA and another one you would suggest...., and these 2 qualifications should be professionally sufficient to get a top notch job in 3-4 fields you suggest me to concentrate upon...???

Thus, please tell me qualification to pursue and fields to concentrate..

Thanks & best regards,

28 March 2008 its depends upon ur line of Interest and country u wanna work .

if Europe - ACCA
if US- CPA

CPA you will have to go to US to write the exam

If in India - MBA from top 15 university

31 March 2008 thanks for your reply,

How about CIMA...

I dont know about the country where will i like to go in future .. then which qualification do i start.. ACCA, CPA or CIMA is CISA

Kindly tell me the fields to concentrate upon also..


31 March 2008 You can also pursue CFA from US.However since the exams r not conducted in India u will have to go to srilanka, nepal, Singapore etc. to give exams.

01 April 2008 Thanks for your reply ..

I would really appreciate an elaborate reply discussing pros and cons of each one and decision for one degree thats most suitable for a person who would stay in India forever..most probably.

01 April 2008 I think CFA is a good one to do.

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