bank audit

This query is : Resolved 

23 May 2007 what is last date for applying for bank audit whether individual can apply

10 October 2007 Bank audit not decided by individual CAs. It is decided by ICAI.

08 November 2007 Thanks Mr. RaviKumar for the same.

25 November 2007 RBI keeps the record of all.

13 February 2008 the emplanement for bank audit comes from icai institute one have get MEF no from them then they forward the same to RBI

01 March 2008 For Bank Audit the Perscribed form will be published by ICAI and time for completion the form on perscribed date on online. Then the penal as per critarea and norms fixed by icai will be decided and list will be given to RBI. Then RBI and Penal decided the Empnelmment of Bank Audit. And if your name has been approved in the panel the bank letter will be come at your office.

16 August 2012 it is decided by RBi And ICAI

16 August 2012 it is decided by RBi And ICAI

25 June 2013 Yes it is decided by RBI.

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