B2C Large Invoice Reporting Requirement

24 February 2025 Sir,
Required clarification regarding the reporting of B2C Large invoice in Table 5 of GSTR-1. As per the 53rd GST council meeting, reporting requirement in B2C large invoice threshold changed to Rs. 1 Lakh from existing Rs. 2.5 lakh. In that council meeting effective date was not specifically mentioned and notified that it was applicable when the functionality was available in the portal. One of my client, till January 2025, B2C large invoice was reported in GSTR-1 based on the threshold limit of previous 2.5Lakh.
Clarification required how can I amend the details in GSTR-1 for the financial year 2024-25. B2C large invoice should be normally reported invoice wise, while B2C others were reported state wise.
While going through the amendment column in GSTR-1, it is possible to ament B2C others by selecting respective month. How B2C large invoice should be updated in the return. As per the portal only amendment was possible by choosing the invoice number. Whether I can add new B2C large invoice which was already missed during the previous tax periods.

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