audit related Q

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21 July 2008 can i know the procidure, method,and the practical approach to be addopt while doing audit.and under which area i should go into depth.are firm mostly deal in pvt co.(stat audit) and internal audit.i would like to know the pocedure from starting till finalisation.

21 July 2008 Dear Nayana, Doing Audit is a Specilised work. You have to have good knowledge of Law governing the enterprises u are auditing along with the statue under which you are call for Audit, besides you must have good & experianced knowledge of Accounting Standard & SAP Issued by ICAI.

21 July 2008 The Practical method is to make an Audit Plan on the basis of certain general questionnaires depending on the requirement of the management as well as the requirement of the Law. A well defined Audit Plan is half work done.Compile the material from various sources including your own knowledge and experience to make a general Audit Plan.

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