Asset purchased in Personal Name

This query is : Resolved 

06 July 2010 In a partnership firm, there is a purchase of Car which is done in the name of Partner but payments is being made through firm in the last year. Now CA is objecting that it is of personal nature. Now what I have to do so that i can claim the dep in my books.

06 July 2010

Check above link.

06 July 2010 Its in the name of partner so it is personal nature and auditors point is justified. U should show as drawing and you can claim depreciation on car purchased for personal use

06 July 2010 Its in the name of partner so it is personal nature and auditors point is justified. U should show as drawing and you can claim depreciation on car purchased for personal use

06 July 2010 Its in the name of partner so it is personal nature and auditors point is justified. U should show as drawing and you can claim depreciation on car purchased for personal use. But you can claim depreciation, by showing that it was using for official purpose

07 July 2010 Substance of form shall prevail. Merely because the asset is purchased in the name of the partner does not disentitle the firm to claim depreciation. Very often, such a course is taken for the purpose of convenience. Mptor vehicles are purchased in the name of directors.

If the vehicle is used for business purpose by the firm, depreciation can be claimed.

In a recent ruling the ITAT was examining whether membership fee paid to club in the name of Partner can be claimed by the firm as revenue expenditure u/s 37(1). The Tribunal ruled in favour of the assessee observising that in today's enviornment, life of executives is business centric and hardly have a personal life of their own.

In my view, same ratio shall apply here also.

02 August 2010 Just to support the above opinions, depreciation is allowable on an asset prucahsed in the name of the partner and used for the firm we can refer to the case law,
Mohd.Bux Shokat Ali.256 itr 2002( rajasthan)
Where the dept held depreciation allowable

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