27 November 2012
My company has received some grant which is of revenue nature. I want to show it as a deduction in P & L A/c in reporting the related expense. But my expense is less then grant amount, say my expense is 100 but my grant is 120. So can i show in P&L A/c on expense side as Expense 100 Grant -120 Net Expense -20 Is it possible to show on expense side the grant figure as negative.
27 November 2012
If the revenue grant is related to that particular expense only then first it should be deducted from that expense only. If the grant received is more than the expenses incurred then the balance should be shown under "indirect income"
27 November 2012
As per prudent accounting practices, the amount of grant received and expenses related to grant should not be netted off. Separate disclosure required by showing in appropriate heads for grant received and expenditure incurred in Profit and Loss account.