Articleship transfer..


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
01 October 2013 ok here is my case
i have joined my articleship on 13th feb 2012 and my ca promised that if i come for two years regularly without any stipend he will allow me to take one year of leave.
but now he is not fulfilling his promise .

im in second year of my articleship and he is not giving me any stipend so this is a valid reason of trasfer but i want to know why would he sign my transfer form knowing that this will cause problem for hin??

please help me..

02 October 2013 There is a fat chance that your principal will sign the transfer form accepting the reason of non payment of stipend.Further ,if you take up this case to ICAI, it will uneccessarily waste your time and will hamper your studies further.As both you and your principal didn't make contract on a valid ground.
You can go for secondment of articles after feb14 and serve another CA for last 1yr.In that case make sure that you know other CA very well.As in this case original CA will con tinue to give you stipend.So you have to make sure that you are familiar with another CA and can personally explain your situation.
Another option is industrial training,that you can start in the last yr of your articleship.


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
06 October 2013 mam can you please give me a idea about this secondment thing??

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